Aeolian Piano Serial Number


Catalog Number: 301112. By Tchaikowsky. This piano roll is in good condition. It is in the original box. The box shows signs of wear from over the years due to handling and storage. Bacon, Francis 1905-------75000 Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. 1890-1 1895-6000 1900-10400.

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The most accurate way to determine a piano's age is by its serial number. Here is how to locate the serial number on your pianofree Click Here>Serial Number Locator,locate the serial number of your piano come back here - If you are unable to find the serial we can research it for you free. Click on following Help Site.

1907-4600 1908-5400 1909-6300 1910-7200
1911-8000 1912-9100 1913-10300 1914-11500
1915-12700 1916-13600 1917-14500 1918-15400
1919-16200 1920-17000 1921-17800 1922-18600
1923-19000 1924-19890 1925-20300 1926-20900

Jesse French Numbers

1904-26900 1905-29400 1906-31600 1907-32500
1908-38700 1909-41600 1910-43750 1911-45500
1912-49200 1913-53000 1914-57000 1915-60200
1916-42500 1917-65200 1918-68300 1919-70500
1920-74200 1921-77000 1922-80000 1923-83000
1924-86000 1925-91800 1926-93500 1927-96000
1928-100000 1929-104000 1930-105000 1931-106000
1932-107000 1933-108000

1900-500 1907-4600 1914-11500 1921-17800
1902-1030 1909-6300 1916-13600 1923-19000
1904-2500 1911-8000 1918-15400 1925-20300
1906-3600 1913-10300 1920-17000 1927-21300

ACROSONIC (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke, Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St. Regis, Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton). All Baldwin Upright or Vertical Pianos - Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin Grand Pianos.

1895-2000 1917-100000 1935-251000 1955-559490 1973- 979129 1991-1487131
1900-9000 1918-109000 1936-265000 1956-585454 1974-1007687 1992-1501002
1901-12000 1919-118000 1937-275000 1957-610502 1975-1035719 1993-1512277
1902-16000 1920-127000 1938-290000 1958-632951 1976-1067508 1994-1521569
1903-21000 1921-136000 1939-301000 1959-655948 1977-1104802 1995-1529416
1904-26000 1922-145000 1940-304000 1960-679844 1978-1135737 1996-1536461
1905-31000 1923-154000 1941-307000 1961-702806 1979-1180266 1997-1543640
1906-36000 1924-162000 1942-314000 1962-723778 1980-1220374 1998-1550294
1907-41000 1925-172000 1943-333000 1963-743772 1981-1253176 1999-1556890
1908-46500 1926-182000 1946-365000 1964-763143 1982-1286178 2000-1563028
1909-52000 1927-192000 1947-385000 1965-784017 1983-1324487 2001-1568712

1910-57000 1928-200000 1948-401000 1966-803727 1984-1343955 2002-1570652
1911-62000 1929-210000 1949-438000 1967-831583 1985-1365505 2003-1572931
1912-67000 1930-217000 1950-450300 1968-851540 1986-1383187 2004-1573872
1913-72000 1931-223000 1951-466250 1969-881087 1987-1406054 2005-1575075
1914-77000 1932-232000 1952-488364 1970-912986 1988-1430796 2006-1575411
1915-83000 1933-238000 1953-503000 1971-933476 1989-1453070 2007-1573765
1916-91000 1934-247000 1954-535801 1972-953937 1990-1470443 2008-157726


The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individual factories planned so that manufacturing of the various instruments was carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and by separate organizations, each under direction of men who had been associated with each respective make for many years, thus preserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities of each piano. Combined they made a great and powerful contribution to the art of music, for each of the great instruments they produced will continue providing magnificent music for generations to come. Name brands built in East Rochester include Chickering & Sons, J & C Fischer, Wm. Knabe, Mason & Hamlin, and George Steck.

H. B. Tremaine was a business genius who brought about the commercial exploitation of the piano player on a big scale. Tremaine's father had built a successful small business making and cranked table-top-sized mechanical organs, a very popular item in homes in the late 1800's. He founded the 'Aeolian Organ and Music Company' around 1888; the firm achieved considerable success with larger instruments and organs. His son took over in 1899 and immediately set about to apply his own business acumen to the company's affairs. With the newly perfected 'Pianola,' he launched an aggressive advertising campaign which was entirely new to the stodgy piano business. With four page color advertisements (almost unheard of in that day) published in the popular magazines, he literally stunned the piano industry with the message that here, indeed, was the answer to everyone's prayer for music in the home! Tremaine and Pianola built an enormous business empire over the next thirty years. It wasn't long after the turn of the century that it was deemed desirable to 'miniaturize' the clumsy Pianola and other similar, instruments so that they could be built directly inside the pianos. Within a few short years, the push up'players disappeared from the scene. By this time everyone got into the act, and every piano maker so manufactured a player of some sort.

This name is known the world over in connection with musical instruments, It is applied to some of the various products of the Aeolian Company of New York which instruments of renown included the Duo Art Pianola, Weber Pianola, Steck Pianola, Wheelock Pianola, Stuyvesant Pianola, Steinway Duo Art Pianola, Stroud Pianola the Aeolian Orchestrelle and the Aeolian Pipe Organ; it also controlled the Meludee Music Co., Inc., and the Universal Music Co.

1903-1900 1904-3000 1905-5400 1906-9000
1907-12000 1908-15000 1909-19000 1910-23000
1911-27000 1912-31000 1913-35000 1914-39000
1915-43000 1916-47000 1917-51000 1918-55000
1919-59000 1920-30000 1921-70000 1922-70000
1923-73000 1924-76000 1925-78000 1926-80000
1927-82000 1928-85000 1929-88000 1930-91000
1931-94000 1932-97000 1933-98000


Piano lines controlled and manufactured by this Division listed alphabetically include Chickering & Sons, Wm. Knabe & Co., Mason & Hamlin and Weber. The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester consist of over 250,000 sq. ft. of space situated on over eight acres of land occupied and devoted exclusively to the manufacture of only pianos since 1906. Aeolian was one of America's largest producers of grand pianos. Instruments made by Aeolian American Division enjoyed an unquestioned reputation throughout the world


Aeolian - American was the consolidation of the American Piano Company, Aeolian Piano Company formerly Winter & Company, and Weber Piano Company. Factories were located at East Rochester N.Y., Worchester Ma. and Memphis, Tenn.

Aeolian probably produced more instruments than any other company in the U.S. Founded as Heller & Co. in 1899, later incorporated as Winter & Co. in 1903, the firm became affiliated with Sears Roebuck and Co. In 1941 William G. Heller, Henry R. Heller and associates acquired the Sears interest and devoted the production to defense work during World War II. Faith in the industry and the conviction that the piano industry needed someone to keep the venerable manufacturers in operation, Aeolian has acquired companies which would not otherwise have survived.

During 1960 the work force included only excellent craftsmen under the direction of people who had been associated with these fine makes for many years, thus preserving unimpaired the Individual and distinctive quality of each piano. The affiliation of the various houses that formed this large and powerful contributing force to the art of music, insures for each a wider scope for musical activity in that each of its units was of the highest quality in its grade, which had an extraordinary economy of production. This company's purchasing power contributed immeasurably to the integrity and value of instruments that were made in the various Divisions.

Aeolian Corporation, which in 1982 owned over 40 registered brand names, the product of merger and acquisitions over the years combining 16 domestic piano producers and the largest Canadian producer. Recognition was given by the trade to the various Aeolian lines is the best evidence that Aeolian Corporation pianos manufactured in Memphis and East Rochester, fulfilled every requirement in grands, studios, spinets, consoles and players in a variety of scales and finishes, as well as case designs. Aeolian produced not only the concert and beginners piano, but also for the artist and leisure time musician.

Although production ceased in 1982 and 1985 there are countless thousands of Aeolian -American pianos still in use throughout America, in private homes, schools, churches and rental fleets. They were not always the most expensive, and some of their designs were, while aesthetically correct they weren't always perfect, but they did and still do provide students with the perfect entry level piano ever made at a price that most families could afford.

A B ChaseGablerMusette
AeolianHaines & Co.Normandie
ArmstrongHaines Bros.Pease
Bent, George P.W.P. HainesPianette
BradburyHallet & DavisPianola
D.S. BuchananHeller & CompanyPrimatone
CableHolmer & SonsRestonic
Cable, Fayette S.Holmes & Co.Rudolph
ChickeringIvers & PondSchiller
Conover - CableKingsburyGeorge Steck
Cook, J.B.KnabeSterling
CrownKranich & BachSting
Duo - ArtLaffargueStratford
EllsworthMarshall & WendellStuyvesant
EmersonMason & HamlinVose & Sons
EuphonaMehlin & SonsR. W. Waude,
J & C. FischerMelodigrandWeber
Foster - ArmstrongMendelssohnWheelock
FranklinHenry F. MillerWellington

See individual names for numbers not listed.

Aeolian distinguished itself as a piano maker, not merely an assembler. Aeolian plants produced pianos that were quality assured, one of the reasons that over the years many of the largest school systems in the United States have selected their pianos exclusively. In addition, broadcasting stations, colleges, music schools, universities, operas, and symphonies have countless Aeolian pianos in constant service, this was during the time that American Institutions purchased pianos on limited budgets, not as commercial endorsements or University and College Piano Sale locations.


1917-625001938-794001964-100442 1985-Discontinued


1900-26000 1918-65000 1936-77500 1958-88500
1956-160000 1959-169000 1962-180000 1965-191000
1958-166000 1961-176000 1964-187000 1967-199000
1959-10500 1960-11000 1961-11500 1962-12000
1967-14500 1968-15000 1969-15500 1970-16000
1921-82900 1924-86600 1927-89600 1930-94000
1956-160000 1959-169000 1962-180000 1965-191000
1958-166000 1961-176000 1964-187000 1967-199000
1913-1500 1916-4200 1919-6000 1922-8000
1901-2075 1911-17800 1921-45000 1931-112000
1904-7000 1914-23200 1924-58000 1934-130000
1906-10000 1916-26800 1926-77000 1936-135000
1908-13000 1918-32800 1928-87000 1938-150000
1910-16000 1920-40000 1930-106000
1921-155000 1924-180000 1927-210000 1930-230000
1900-43000 1909-62000 1918-79000 1927-89600
1902-47000 1911-65500 1920-81100 1929-93700
1904-51000 1913-71000 1922-83900 1931-94100
1906-55400 1915-74000 1924-86600 1933-94400
1908-59900 1917-78000 1926-88700 1935-96000
Verticals & Grand Built by Aeolian after 1959:
1960-364200 1966-397700 1972-420500 1978-440000
1962-376900 1968-405200 1974-430300 1980-446900
1964-387900 1970-410900 1976-436900 1982-452400
1959-1000 1968-10000 1977-19000 1987-29000
1961-3000 1970-12000 1979-21000 1989-31000
1963-5000 1972-14000 1981-23000 1991-33000
1965-7000 1974-16000 1983-25000 1993-35000
1967-9000 1976-18000 1985-27000 1995-37000
1880- 1700 1929- 60000 1961-124000 1976-150000
1898-10000 1948- 85000 1968-137500 1980-154000
1910-25000 1952-102000 1972-143500 1996-164200
1961-123400 1967-136000 1973-144700 1979-150300
1963-128500 1969- N/A 1975-147600 1981-151800
1965-132000 1971-141100 1977-149900 1983-153100
1950-408000 1964-570000 1971-643000 1978-722500
1958-521000 1966-589000 1973-660000 1980-754000
1961-542000 1968-611000 1975-695000 1982-780000
1962-551000 1969-621000 1976-708500 1983-795491
1902-2000 1910-1000 1917-17000 1924-24000
1904-4000 1912-12000 1919-19000 1926-26000
1906-6000 1914-14000 1921-21000 1928-28000
1900-10400 1962-152706 1974-204113 1986-266329
1920-35800 1964-160868 1976-213470 1988-278556
1940-88700 1967-175821 1979-228858 1991-293772
1948-105000 1969-184661 1981-242984 1993-305110
1955-128167 1971-192401 1983-253274 1995-313000
1961-148635 1973-199649 1985-262256
1915-4000 1919-9500 1923-15500 1927-20300
1917-6500 1921-12500 1925-18000 1929-23000
1860-8070 1960-151950 1990-184299 1994-185670
1905-33000 1920-52800 1927-57200 1937-59890
1915-46400 1922-54800 1929-58500 1939-62600
1908-17000 1918-33400 1921-40000 1930-75000
1917-31000 1920-20600 1929-68000 1932-81000
1958-521000 1966-589000 1973-660000 1980-754000
1900-15000 1910-50000 1920-72300 1928-94000
1961-370700 1967-401500 1973-424900 1979-444000
1963-383100 1969-407500 1975-433400 1981-449700
1900-10000 1930-266000 1942-300200 1950-408000
1920-50000 1940-289000 1948-403000 1952-416000
by Kohler & Campbell after 1955.
1955-503000 1965-579000 1972-653500 1979-737000
1960-535000 1967-601500 1974-683000 1981-767000
1962-551000 1969-621000 1976-708500 1983-795491
1920-100000 1943-127000 1965-137500 1987-153500
1930-115000 1950-128800 1975-142000 1990-155000
1940-125500 1960-133006 1985-152500 1996-158000
1914-12000 1917-15000 1921-19000 1925-23000
1900-15640 1935-25700 1950-26960 1970-29109
1920-22530 1944-26730 1960-27900 1980-33444
1900-29400 1930-98000 1942-204000 1949-254000
1920-40000 1940-183000 1947-243000 1952-300000
1960-364200 1966-397700 1972-420500 1978-44000
1962-376900 1968-405200 1974-430300 1980-44690
1964-387900 1970-410900 1976-436900 1982-45240
1910-30000 1935-274000 1947-401000 1951-412000
1925-60000 1941-295000 1949-406000 1953-420000
1955-503000 1965-579000 1972-653500 1979-737000
1960-535000 1967-601500 1974-683000 1981-767000
1962-551000 1969-621000 1976-708500 1983-795491
1907-3500 1913-80000 1919-140000 1925-190000
1909-9000 1915-100000 1921-155000 1927-210000
1911-62000 1917-120000 1923-170000 1929-226000
1900-22000 1920-62000 1931-72200 1939-73600
1915-55000 1930-72000 1936-72900 1942-75000
1905-23000 1921-47500 1924-68000 1929-62000
1977-5000 1979-7800 1981-10100
CABLE - PRE-1950
1890-11000 1910-140000 1921-232000 1932-301000
1900-30000 1912-164000 1923-242000 1934-303000
1903-45000 1914-180000 1926-265000 1936-305000
1905-65000 1916-196500 1928-277000 1947-308000
1907-95000 1918-210000 1930-293000 1949-315000
1951-321000 1960-350600 1968-392800 1976-429300
1953-326000 1962-360000 1970-402000 1978-437000
1955-336500 1964-372000 1972-411400 1980-448000
1957-339200 1966-386000 1974-420700 1982-455200
1960-307000 1967-407000 1974-505000 1981-582627
1965-379000 1972-477000 1979-555769 1986-638110
CABLE-NELSONMade by Everett to 1973
1950-221000 1958-281700 1966-360000 1974-417000
1952-235000 1960-300100 1968-372000 1976-424000
1954-247000 1962-321000 1970-390000 1978- N/A
1956-263000 1964-347000 1972-403000 1980- N/A
1900-42000 1910-54000 1920-62000 1930-72000
Vertical & Grand Pianos After 1960 Made by Aeolian
1961-928000 1970-146000 1975-177000 1980-208700
1963-119400 1972-160600 1977-189000 1982-221200
1965-140300 1974-171800 1979-201500
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-195000
1823-100 1940-167200 1964-219221 1974-235824
1905-105000 1947-187000 1967-224943 1977-240626
1919-130000 1955-204000 1969-228651 1979-244266
1925-139700 1961-214527 1971-231317 1981-247477
1935-155200 1963-217830 1973-234059N/A
1900-11000 1916-25000 1921-34000 1927-39900
1915-23500 1920-32000 1925-39000 1929-41000
1915-64000 1924-102400 1926-109000 1930-117000
1960-350600 1962-360000 1964-372000 1961-355000
1950-318000 1958-342400 1966-386000 1975-425700
1952-323000 1960-350600 1969-398000 1977-434000
1954-333000 1962-360000 1971-407300 1979-443000
1956-338000 1964-372000 1973-415900 1981-451000
Crown pianos by Crown Before 1960:
1900-15000 1920-72300 1930-102500 1940-198000
1910-50000 1928-94000 1936-153000 1948-250000
1961-370700 1967-401500 1973-424900 1979-444000
1963-383100 1969-407500 1975-433400 1981-449700
1965-1000 1968-16000 1971-31000 1974-49500
1967-11500 1970-26500 1973-42500 1976-63000
1955-503000 1965-579000 1972-653500 1979-737000
1960-535000 1967-601500 1974-683000 1981-767000
1962-551000 1969-621000 1976-708500 1983-795491
1920-29200 1924-38000 1927-48500 1930-55000
1922-32500 1926-44500 1929-54000 1932-58000
1961-123400 1967-136000 1973-144700 1979-150300
1963-128500 1969-139800 1975-147600 1981-151800
1965-132000 1971-141100 1977-149900 1983-155500
1921-52500 1923-57500 1925-60500 1930-63000
1965-104300 1970-12190 1975-137500 1980-148000
1967-112300 1972-12720 1977-142800 1982-145300
Alexander Malcome Love Lancaster Chase & Baker
Purcell Wegman Soward Settergren
1900-27800 1910-40000 1930-90090 1950-144000
1907-37000 1920-57000 1940-129300 1960-172000
1930-11000 1937-20700 1941-24000 1948-25800
1960-125700 1969-191000 1978-252000 1987-301000
1962-139000 1971-202000 1980-269000 1989-351000
1964-152000 1973-217000 1982-282000 1992-359000
1966-174000 1975-229000 1984-292000 1994-366000
1968-181000 1977-241000 1986-298300 1996-373000
1983-1004 1986-1027 1989-1201 1992-1560
1965-4510 1972-13705 1979-45105 1986-87510
1967-6410 1974-19610 1981-62000 1988-98116
1969-8005 1976-26505 1983-73055 1990-111644
1971-10605 1978-41520 1985-81860 1993-121810
1910-23800 1935-47500 1960-55150 1975-66300
1920-35100 1944-50500 1967-61000 1985-73500
1900-115000 1950-187000 1969-214239 1975-219100
1910-134000 1965-207741 1971-216700 1977- N/A
1930-159000 1967-211237 1973-217500 1981-219300
1960-158800 1962-169000 1964-183000 1966-207000
Superscope Pianocorder Player Pianos
1961-13200 1966-17400 1971-20200 1976-23500
1963-14500 1968-18100 1973-21700 1978-25200
1965-16800 1970-19500 1975-22900 1980-26600
1900-12131 1940-65499 1960-85682 1975-114268
1920-38076 1950-67900 1965-94787 1985-135202
1915-90000 1940-344000 1961-479000 1966-551000
1925-218000 1950-405500 1963-515000 1968-565000
1935-309000 1960-488300 1965-542000
1950-131600 1953-134600 1955-152000 1957-167400
1900-39000 1922-69700 1933-80600 1938-98000
1910-53100 1924-72300 1935-87200 1940-104000
1920-66200 1930-77900 1937-94400 1942-109000
Verticals & Grands By Poole/Aeolian after 1960:
1965-928000 1970-146000 1975-177000 1980-208700
1967-119400 1972-160600 1977-189000 1982-221200
1969-140300 1974-171800 1979-201500 1984-221500
1965-104300 1970-121900 1975-137500 1980-148000
1967-112300 1972-127200 1977-142800 1982-145300
1965-928000 1970-146000 1975-177000 1980-208700
1967-119400 1972-160600 1977-189000 1982-221200
1902-51000 1916-89000 1930-132000 1945-215000
1904-55000 1918-96500 1932-132000 1947-503000
1906-59000 1920-102000 1935-133000 1949-504900
1908-63000 1922-109000 1937-153000 1951-507000
1910-68000 1924-117000 1939-170000 1953-507550
1912-74000 1926-124000 1941-193000 1955-510270
1914-81000 1928-131000 1943-215000 1957-510500
Verticals & Grands By Winter/Aeolian after 1960:
1960-364200 1966-397700 1972-420500 1978-440000
1962-376900 1968-405200 1974-430300 1980-446900
1964-387900 1970-410900 1976-436900 1982-452400
1900-16000 1922-102200 1935-127500 1960-188249
1910-56000 1924-111000 1947-135000 1973-279076
1920-93000 1930-126000 1955-160686 1982-366819
1905-58000 1923-90000 1940-97000 1966-134300
1915-77200 1925-91500 1952-106400 1980-151100
1900-24500 1922-93000 1935-118000 1956-164200
1910-43000 1924-99000 1947-151500 1958-166000
1920-88000 1930-105300 1955-163200 1960-167125
1905-37600 1923-223000 1940-289000 1952-416000
1915-64000 1925-237000 1948-403000 1955-503000
1905-55000 1919-100000 1934-132000 1948-504000
1905-11150 1923-35200 1933-44000 1949-44630
1920-32500 1930-42500 1940-44000 1952-45100
HORUGEL Samick Korea
1976-00645 1977-00847 1978-30150 1979-32740
1900-9000 1922-145000 1935-251800 1950-443258
1910-57000 1924-162000 1940-300000 1960-496180
1920-12700 1930-217000 1949-431000 1968-106212
1978-30150 1981-31960 1984-50630 1988-114390
1980-29530 1983-53400 1986-75020 1995-500000

Aeolian Piano Serial Number

1961-163000 1963-176000 1965-195000 1967-219000
1905-37800 1923-72100 1936-78600 1955-86350
1915-57900 1925-74500 1946-80000 1962-94370
1961-92222 1967-112300 1973-130700 1979-145600
1963-97026 1969-120000 1975-137500 1981-150500
1950-14200 1967-251660 1975-785568 1983-1372000
1955-20590 1969-369088 1977-904384 1985-1549000
1960-26000 1971-488834 1979-1067130 1987-1704000
1965-16517 1973-633601 1981-1219355 1989-1850000
1900-71000 1920-322000 1930-383000 1940-442000
1910-211000 1922-336000 1932-389000 1942-444000
1914-267800 1924-352000 1934-399000 1944-WWII
1916-288000 1926-364000 1936-414000 1946-480000
1918-307000 1928-372100 1938-426000 1948-500000
Note: No production during WWII 1943/ 1944 / 1945
Vertical and Grand pianos after 1950:
1950-517000 1957-579000 1964-646800 1971-771000
1952-537020 1959-595500 1966-678500 1973-820000
1954-553000 1961-607400 1968-717900 1975-951000
1956-571300 1963-630500 1970-764200
1905-65000 1918-210000 1926-265000 1934-303000
1912-164000 1920-224000 1928-277000 1936-305000
1914-180000 1922-236000 1930-293000 1947-310000
1916-196000 1924-250000 1932-301000 1949-315000
Aeolian Numbers after 1949:
1950-318000 1958-342400 1966-386000 1975-425700
1952-323000 1960-350600 1969-398000 1977-434000
1954-333000 1962-360000 1971-407300 1979-443000
1956-338000 1964-372000 1973-415900 1981-451000
1900-47000 1940-124000 1966-172986 1975-185468
1910-68000 1955-154300 1968-176379 1977-188635
1920-88000 1961-169998 1970-179259 1979-192324
1929-106100 1963-168148 1972-180871 1981-195484
1935-114100 1965-171287 1974-183886 1983-197840
Astor Brambach Davenport Hilton Behning Campbell J.C. Hazleton Stratford Behr Brothers Celeste Kohler, Charles Tom Thumb Bacon, Francis Classic Kroger Waldorf
1900-10000 1917-190000 1925-237000 1933-270000
1912-164000 1920-206000 1928-258000 1936-276000
1915-165000 1923-223000 1931-267000 1948-403000
1955-503000 1965-579000 1972-653500 1979-737000
1960-535000 1967-601500 1974-683000 1981-767000
1962-551000 1969-621000 1976-708500 1983-795491
1900-20000 1940-60200 1966-76600 1974-82668
1910-33500 1955-66400 1968-78216 1976-84209
1920-46500 1961-71400 1970-80430 1978-85244
1929-55400 1963-73700 1972-81632 1980-86405
1900-35000 1940-74600 1971-95000 1975-97100
1920-60900 1960-86200 1973-96200 1977-97780
1900-10000 1917-190000 1925-237000 1933-270000
1910-116000 1919-203000 1927-250000 1935-274000
1914-155000 1922-215000 1930-266000 1947-401000
1916-179000 1924-237000 1932-268000 1949-406000
1905-25000 1918-65000 1926-89000 1934-97300
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-195000
1948-4100 1952-7500 1955-9500 1959-13800
1950-5900 1954-8900 1957-10960 1964-22130
1961-37050 1968-48000 1976-58000 1983-66300
1963-40300 1970-50500 1978-61200 1985-67300
1965-44000 1972-53000 1980-64000 1987-67905
1900-23090 1913-56000 1917-109500 1924-171000
1911-47000 1916-99500 1919-127000 1927-196000
1949-181000 1952-220000 1956-272000 1959-308800
Aeolian Piano Serial Number

Wheelock Piano Serial Numbers

1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-191800
1963-349000 1967-449000 1971-463000 1975-519000
1965-379000 1969-435000 1973-491000 1977-528325
1900-26500 1930-111000 1938-128500 1948-137900
1915-52600 1935-120900 1941-113510 1951-138090
1925-10620 1937-126100 1947-137800 1953-138130
1910-19100 1948-55000 1966-69949 1975-78730
1920-29000 1955-61800 1968-71994 1977-81100
1930-39600 1961-66016 1970-74263 1979-84184
1940-48000 1963-67478 1972-75534 1981-87013
1900-20000 1940-57300 1952-74700 1957-84800
1930-45700 1951-68800 1955-81600 1960-102000
1960-364200 1966-397700 1972-420500 1978-440000
1962-376900 1968-405200 1974-430300 1980-446900
1900-36000 1931-78500 1935-82500 1952-338000
1920-66000 1933-79500 1939-87800 1956-349500
1900-19000 1931-43400 1935-43880 1952-51600
1920-40000 1933-43600 1939-44600 1955-56536
1962-376900 1968-405200 1974-430300 1980-446900
1964-387900 1970-410900 1976-436900 1982-452400
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-191800
1949-1000 1952-6100 1955-9300 1958-12110
1951-4400 1954-8500 1957-11114 1960-14006
1965-928000 1970-146000 1975-177000 1980-208700
1967-119400 1972-160600 1977-189000 1982-221200
1965-104300 1970-121900 1975-137500 1980-148000
1967-112300 1972-127200 1977-142800 1982-145300
1901-2075 1913-22000 1925-63000 1934-134000
1911-17800 1920-40000 1932-130000 1927-150000
1910-17000 1920-27000 1923-30000 1927-34000
1932-106000 1936-135000 1940-183000 1954-315000
1934-118200 1938-163800 1949-254000 1959-356270
1961-370700 1967-401500 1973-424900 1979-444000
1963-383100 1969-407500 1975-433400 1981-449700
1905-35000 1920-49000 1940-56200 1954-60590
1910-38500 1930-53200 1949-60000 1959-78454
1960-89744 1966-123500 1972-143800 1978-153600
1962-102629 1968-131600 1974-148700 1980-156400
1964-111744 1970-136100 1976-151900 1982-157900
1960-121100 1966-134300 1972-142900 1978-150900
1962-126200 1968-138000 1974-146500 1980-151100
1964-130500 1970-140300 1976-148700 1982-152200
1900-9000 1930-217000 1933-238000 1938-282000
1920-127000 1932-232000 1935-251800 1941-302000
1935-125000 1952-290000 1963-383100 1974-430300
1937-136000 1954-315000 1965-392000 1976-436900
1939-153000 1956-333000 1967-401500 1978-440000
1947-231000 1958-342250 1969-407500 1980-446900
1949-256000 1960-364200 1971-415600 1982-452400
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-191800
1900-5000 1950-67280 1975-211900 1982-340000
1920-10500 1965-103700 1978-302500 1987-380000
1940-58000 1974-208900 1981-325000 1994-440000
1962-20000 1970-32400 1976-35000 1981-36500
1960-121100 1966-134300 1972-142900 1978-150900
1962-126200 1968-136800 1974-146500 1980-151100
1964-130500 1970-141600 1976-148700 1982-152200
1900-26000 1915-57900 1935-77400 1952-83400
1910-48100 1930-76800 1949-78800 1959-89816
1961-92222 1967-112300 1973-130700 1979-145600
1963-97026 1969-120000 1975-137500 1981-150500
1965-928000 1970-146000 1975-177000 1980-208700
1967-119400 1972-160600 1977-189000 1982-221200
1969-140300 1974-171800 1979-201500 1984-221500
1962-335000 1969-435000 1976-533000 1983-595226
1964-364000 1971-463000 1978-541325 1985-636890
1966-393000 1973-491000 1980-769807 1987-640771
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-191800
1978-30150 1981-31960 1984-50630 1988-114390
1900-17000 1919-58300 1922-65000 1925-71000
1915-50500 1921-52400 1924-69000 1931-77900
1978-280000 1982-410000 1986-860000 1990-HG0190
1980-380000 1984-510000 1988-HG0088 1992-HIDG92
1951-321000 1959-345800 1967-393000 1976-429300
1953-326000 1961-355000 1970-401700 1978-437000
1955-336500 1963-365000 1972-411400 1980-448000
1957-339200 1965-379000 1974-420700 1982-455200
1910-9000 1951-23200 1966-88200 1975-152200
1920-12700 1953-26700 1968-103000 1977-168000
1930-19350 1960-50000 1970-118200 1979-192000
1940-22100 1963-66700 1972-131600 1981-216000
1956-160000 1959-169000 1962-180000 1965-191000
1958-166000 1961-176000 1964-187000
1911-62000 1917-120000 1923-170000 1929-226000
1900-27799 1940-81100 1960-86100 1975-104000
1915-50755 1950-82526 1963-89000 1977-110000
1925-61632 1952-82700 1965-95000 1981-119200
1935-75503 1955-83000 1974-102000 1985-125200
1957-163100 1960-172000 1963-183000 1966-191800
1950-21000 1952-25000 1954-28500 1958-35200
1905-32300 1950-103240 1967-164700 1976-209100
1920-48100 1961-136700 1970-180000 1979-226250
1930-76500 1963-145260 1972-187800 1981-236570
1940-92100 1965-154500 1974-198900
1960-158800 1962-169000 1964-183000 1966-207000
1983-044668 1985-068207 1987-100560 1989-142058
1983-10201 1985-12693 1987-17757 1989-26269
1956-160000 1959-169000 1962-180000 1965-191000
1958-166000 1961-176000 1964-187000 1967-192000
1910-43000 1955-160600 1968-186884 1977-193200
1920-63300 1961-171689 1970-189389 1979-193350
1930-85000 1963-176576 1972-190900 1981-193600
1940-140600 1965-180876 1974-191900 1983-194000
1979-790000 1980-800000 1981-810000 1982-820000
1978-30150 1981-31960 1984-50630 1988-114390
1980-29530 1983-53400 1986-75020 1995-500000
1905-105000 1960-366000 1971-423000 1982-478500
1915-170000 1962-375000 1973-431000 1984-488000
1925-230000 1964-385000 1975-439000 1986-498000
1935-279000 1966-395000 1977-450000 1988-507700
1945-317000 1968-405000 1979-463000 1990-516700
1934-114700 1951-278000 1962-376900 1973-424900
1936-133000 1953-310000 1964-387900 1975-433400
1938-148000 1955-324500 1966-397700 1977-438000
1940-167000 1957-341000 1968-405200 1979-444000
1948-250000 1959-356270 1970-410900 1981-449700
1950-265000 1961-370700 1972-420500
1977-5000 1979-7800 1981-10100 1982-11300
1960-307000 1967-407000 1974-505000 1981-582627
1962-335000 1969-435000 1976-533000 1983-595226
1964-364000 1971-463000 1978-541325 1985-636890
1966-393000 1973-491000 1980-769807 1987-640771
1910-43000 1955-160600 1968-186884 1977-193200
1920-63300 1961-171689 1970-189389 1979-193350
1930-85000 1963-176576 1972-190900 1981-193600
WALTER,Charles R.
1977-502200 1984-507400 1991-515100 1998-524050
1978-502630 1985-508040 1992-516400 1999-525500
1979-503275 1986-508800 1993-517700 2000-526550
1980-504025 1987-509730 1994-518850 2001-527700
1981-505000 1988-510920 1995-520050 2002-528650
1982-505660 1989-512300 1996-521250 2003-529550
1983-506430 1990-513700 1997-522600 2004-538440

1950-221000 1955-254600 1960-300200 1962-322000
1903-54700 1950-94600 1964-98738 1969-100044
1920-76000 1961-97368 1966-99440 1971-100323
1940-90700 1963-98329 1968-10002 1978-100733
1958-166000 1961-176000 1964-187000 1967-192000
1910-23920 1960-96600 1974-149200 1979-180000
1930-64200 1971-132500 1976-160000 1981-191880
1951-321000 1959-345800 1967-393000 1976-429300
1954-333000 1962-360000 1971-407300 1979-443000
1957-339200 1965-379000 1974-420700 1982-455200
1951-528000 1958-586500 1965-661300 1972-817000
1953-554200 1960-604000 1967-700100 1974-901000
1955-562300 1962-617900 1969-721500 1976-1000100
1900-20000 1940-57300 1952-74700 1957-84800
1930-45700 1951-68800 1955-81600 1960-102000
1960-364200 1966-397700 1972-420500 1978-440000
1962-376900 1968-405200 1974-430300 1980-446900
1900-4000 1940-183000 1952-291000 1957-84800
1930-98000 1951-278000 1955-324000 1960-102000
1961-370700 1967-401500 1973-424900 1979-444000
1963-383100 1969-407500 1975-433400 1981-449700
1960-91014 1966-109800 1972-127200 1978-144000
1962-94371 1968-116000 1974-135600 1980-148000
1964-100442 1970-121900 1976-140900 1982-145300
Apollo-De Kalb-Julius Bauer-Melville Clark-Farney
1902-1430 1911-13000 1920-40000 1929-93000
1904-3000 1913-15000 1922-49000 1931-118000
1906-6000 1915-22000 1924-58000 1933-130300
1908-9000 1917-28000 1926-77000 1935-136000
After 1937:
1938-175000 1953-474451 1970-1105000 1982-1700000
1939-180000 1955-537000 1971-1145000 1983-1725000
1940-195000 1960-657000 1972-1175000 1984-1775000
1941-210000 1961-715000 1973-1205000 1985-1825000
1942-225000 1962-760000 1974-1235000 1986-1850000
1946-330000 1963-815000 1975-1266000 1987-1900000
1947-333000 1964-860000 1976-1296000 1988-2020000
1948-340000 1965-905000 1977-1385000 1989-2055000
1949-370000 1966-945000 1978-1495000 1990-2080000
1950-400000 1967-985000 1979-1550000 1991-2115000
1951-419000 1968-1025000 1980-1595000 1992-2145000
1959-103000 1969-809000 1979-2812000 1989-4650000
1960-122000 1970-978000 1980-3000100 1990-4808000
1961-149000 1971-1169000 1981-3261000 1991-4966000
1962-188000 1972-1317000 1982-3464000 1992-5124000
1963-237000 1973-1510000 1983-3646000 1993-5282000
1964-298000 1974-1743000 1984-3832000 1994-5440000
1965-368000 1975-1943000 1985-3988000 1995-5598000
1966-489000 1976-2144000 1986-4157000 1996-5756000
YAMAHA America, South Haven, Michigan (Letter U.)
1974-101000 1978-117000 1982-150000 1986-186000
1976-107000 1980-132000 1984-167000 1988-210000
1984-501500 1986-504050 1988-102200 1990-119000
Vertical pianos
1979-790000 1982-001000 1985-014700 1988-1300000
Grand Pianos
1979-790000 1982-004700 1985-016000 1988-032000
1960-195001 1965-215001 1970-246001 1980-400001

What are the release dates for Days of Our Lives - 1965 1-10443?

Days of Our Lives - 1965 1-10443 was released on: USA: 14 November 2006 Belgium: 22 April 2011

What are the release dates for One Life to Live - 1968 Not for the Faint of Heart 1-10443?

One Life to Live - 1968 Not for the Faint of Heart 1-10443 was released on: USA: 20 May 2009

What are all the numbers 1-1000000?

Numbers 1 to 30,000! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71…

What is the value of a 1927 Waltham upright player piano serial number 75727?

What is the value of a Waltham Player Piano serial number 240200 40

Serial number dfx 8 for windows media player?

When was Aeolian Singers created?

When was Aeolian Airlines created?

When was Aeolian Company created?

How old is a Cable Nelson player Piano Serial?

a cable Nelson player Piano serial number is generally as old as the player piano it appears on. They were assigned during manufacture.

What is the age of a farrand player piano serial number 28439?

What is the age of my farrand baby grand piano i just bought. serial number 81768

When was Aeolian Chamber Players created?

Does aeolian refer to wind systems?

Aeolian refers to anything transported by wind. Answer Aeolian also refers to landforms formed by wind- for instance barchans (sand dunes).

What is the code to unlock radio on 2000 Mitsubishi mirage?

You have to get the code from the dealership. You can't use the vin number of the car you have to use the serial number on the radio itself. The serial number can only be found by removing the head unit (the CD player). The serial number is on a sticker on the radio.

Differences between aeolian marine and lacustrine sandstones?

Aeolian Piano Serial Number 146779

Aeolian marine deposits will be much finer grain than lacustrine sandstones. Also, aeolian marine deposits will be much better sorted.

What is an aeolian environment?

An aeolian environment is one dominated by wind or the effects of wind or by wind-borne sediment.

Aeolian-Skinner organ 1070 Huntington Drive San Marino California What is the opus number of this organ and the stop list?

Hope this link helps. Or contact the reading room librarian of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Marino. Reading Room Librarian at 626-793-2764 (email at

What is the serial number of IDM

What is value of Kimball upright player piano serial number 208317?

This is a kimball player piano. Added by: (person with question)

What age is my piano the serial number is 15090 and it is a Krell brand?

Did you ever determine the age of your piano and possible value? I have a Krell player piano with a serial number close to yours - 14489. Thanks.

How old is your Gulbransen-dickinson piano serial number 7455 you understand that when the company started in 1915 the serial numbers started with 90000.Did dickinson drop out and the company restart?

how old is gulbransen player piano with the serial number 191202

How old is a Deutzer Bros upright piano serial number 46223?

I have a Deutzer Bros upright piano with serial number 53462 and mine was made in 1920. It was originally a player but the player mechanism had been taken out by the time it came to live with me. Hope that helps!

What is an aeolian harp?

An aeolian harp is an open box over which strings are stretched so that they sound when the wind passes over them.

Is Louis Vuitton serial number M 51170 a real serial number?

yes, Louis Vuitton serial number: M 51170 is a real serial number.

Can you get an esn number with a serial number?

What is the age of a model 58 smith and Wesson serial number 00301?

e The serial number you listed is not a Model 58 serial number. the serial number starts with an 'S'

What is a Serial?

Where is the serial number on a xbox 360?

Do handguns have a serial number?

What was the serial number of the Titanic?

Where is Mt Vulcan?

Did Fender build serial number E 909095?

The answer is that serial number E909095 is a genuine Fender serial number dating from 1989.

How do you reQUISTER a gun with out a serial number?

First, I think you mean register. In MOST of the US, there is no requirement to register ordinary firearms. Now, about the serial number- it is unlawful to REMOVE a serial number, or to possess a gun that has had the SN removed. However, there are guns that do not HAVE a serial number, and they are legal. Rifles and shotguns made prior to 1968 were not required to have serial number. Those guns are…

What are aeolian sounds?

Aeolian Wheelock Piano Serial Numbers

In the spirit of this, in 2003 an Aeolian harp was constructed at Burning Man. Australian artist, composer and sound sculptor Alan Lamb has created

What year smith and Wesson serial number k 66913 made?

Terasic usb blaster drivers download. With the serial number that you have supplied,your serial number dates to the year 1948.

Where can you get thr radio code for a 2002 Mitsubishi eclipse without paying nothing?

Remove your radio, get the serial number and call the dealership, they won't charge for the code they usually charge to remove the CD player to find the serial number.

What is the serial number for perfect uninstaller?

How do you date antique brass bed by serial number?

Hand gun value by serial number?

Where is the serial number on Gibson?

Star trek armada free download full game. A Gibson's serial number is on the back of the headstock.

What is idm 519 serial number?

What is the serial number Nero 09?

What is the serial number of x blades?

When was the winchester serial number 3412913?

Where is the serial number on a Memphis subwoofer?

What is idm serial number?

Is G27321 a getzen trumpet serial number?

How do you get a persons army serial number?

now days a military serial number is the assigned social security number. find the persons social security number and you have the army serial number......

Where to look up Serial numbers of guns?

Get the serial number Get a book on the comapany that has Serial Number data or a book that has serial number data, i.e., Blue Book of Gun Values.

What is the year and model of a boat with serial number 27030?

The serial number 27030 is not directly associated with a particular boat. That number is most likely a partial serial number.

Can you give you a history on an Ithaca model 37 serial 1849982?

Piano Serial Number Age

That is not the serial number. It is the Patent Number. The serial number is found below this number. The Model 37 I have has this patent number on it and the serial number is 24071. I would also like to know the manufacture date of this rifle.