Diablo 2 High Res Mod 1.13 Download

Hey guys, is there a way to play D2 in 1080p or Hi-Res? Thanks in advance! :O)
It doesnt work with online, i think.
Pretty sure mods can do it, but as said only for offline play.
The hi-res mod may LOOK nice, but it actually completely ruins the game, since you can see and attack enemies FAR outside you being in their aggro range.

First off d2multires is for 1.12 only second off its a third party tool ie hack so you wont get any real help here third off i have used it with 1.12 and afaik it doesnt work with 1.13 cause of different dlls. /arlington-va-marriage-license.html. OK, I know a lot of people who still love playing Diablo 2 (my girlfriend included). She actually re-installed this the other day and she asked me “How come I can’t get rid of the black bars on the sides of the screen?”.

  1. It really changes the Diablo II experience, even though it doesn't increase the resolution (which would be a cheat after all). And it works great with high resolution monitors if you use some of the advanced settings - I can help you if you can't figure it out yourself.
  2. The hi-res mod may LOOK nice, but it actually completely ruins the game, since you can see and attack enemies FAR outside you being in their aggro range.
  3. So i'm playing Diablo 2 again (Lod), on my new laptop thats a widescreen in native 1920x1080. When i'm playing d2, it runs at its maximum res -800x600, but its as if its keeping my screen in the.
  4. How to play Diablo 2 LOD with higher resolution(1.13c) (self.Diablo) submitted 3 years ago by Ancinew I couldn't find anything that worked so i post here as my last chance to find a solution.
  5. This is a mod for Diablo II Lord of Destruction 1.10. It focuses on re-creating the feel and the atmosphere of Diablo and it's expansion Hellfire while keeping some features from the sequel. 817 downloads.
I wish they would remake D2 with D3's graphics.
The hi-res mod may LOOK nice, but it actually completely ruins the game, since you can see and attack enemies FAR outside you being in their aggro range.

Yeah..we should stick to 800x600 and have the enemies snipe us from outside our visual range instead.
Much better experience.
Also: 1440p is better
Can any of you guys share on how to get this done in Hi Res?
as said above, the game isn't any better, you can see stuff but doesn't help, and you can't go on battle.net..
but ..
as said above, the game isn't any better, you can see stuff but doesn't help, and you can't go on battle.net..
but ..

Thanks brother. :O)
as said above, the game isn't any better, you can see stuff but doesn't help, and you can't go on battle.net..
but ..

Thanks for sharing. :)
I personaly would go play D3 on PC off Battle.net and never go back online there again the second they give me the chance.
Unfortunately this Hi-Res mod only works for D2 patch1.12.
Unfortunately this Hi-Res mod only works for D2 patch1.12.

You can run any version of the game you wish with D2SE Modmanager, since you can't use the res mod on bnet anyway, then add PlugY, The Survival Kit to the mix and you have bnet features while offline.
09/22/2016 01:24 AMPosted by m3ta1he4d
Unfortunately this Hi-Res mod only works for D2 patch1.12.
You can run any version of the game you wish with D2SE Modmanager, since you can't use the res mod on bnet anyway, then add PlugY, The Survival Kit to the mix and you have bnet features while offline.
I rarely play multiplayer on BNet anyway, mostly just single player.
Thanks heaps dude! O)
Or, you know, there's always hope for this :P
as said above, the game isn't any better, you can see stuff but doesn't help, and you can't go on battle.net..
but ..

It is better though, in several ways.
1. You don't need to use a 4:3 aspect ratio anymore. So you gain a ton of real-estate, especially with character / inventory windows open. Nor does it it compromise your ability to even play the game ( windowed especially ), by having a forced 'stretching' of the game render to fit it to your aspect ratio / size.
2. You're using a higher resolution, so you're essentially 'shrinking' the pixels, which creates an artificial AA effect. On top of that, your environmental, vegetation, and landscape effects become more clear, giving you better overall visual quality and aesthetic.
3. Being able to see more on the screen at once, and at a farther range is going to be a plus. It makes many builds play differently, being able to react sooner and/or set up mobs with more accuracy ( like laying traps ).
( If you could use it online, it would make it so builds like bowzon couldn't just outrange you or hide behind the short click range on important movement skills ( hello sins. But that's a different discussion )
4. Having more resolution options means you can actually customize your experience based on your needs. Run multiple instances of the game at once? Now you can easily have them all in windows without it being 'too small to see' or using up hardly any of your screen space. Want to be able to utilize an actual 'windowed fullscreen' effect for multitasking ( or computer issues )? Now you're covered.
5. it lets you rely less ( or have your view obstructed ) on the 'minimap' by having more space to work with. This functions in the same manner as mentioned above, where some players just play with their inventory open at all times. It definitely makes interactions in town more fluid and less irritating, being able to see, click, and interact with everything without having to constantly open and close UI elements all the time.
6. It makes the game 'age well', considering its age. Playing the game on its 800x600 ( or you poor souls still using vanilla for some reason 640x480 ) is just painful a lot of the time now, considering being so accustomed to much higher resolutions for the last 15 years. Some people get immediately ( or shortly ) put off by how the game just 'looks'; having a high resolution helps alleviate ( or stave it off ) that from happening.
Everything mechanically works just fine ( or better ) with a higher resolution; the game should have never been capped at such a low resolution for its day and age ( 1024x768, 1240x720 , and the like, were actually common resolutions by then )
7+. The only argument to be made for having the default resolutions is 'hitting mobs at range, because they don't aggro so quickly' ..which is entirely moot because you can do the same thing already by just 'force shooting' off screen ..which is absolutely common practice. Having a higher screen space just makes the action less clunky ( and more enjoyable ), without actually changing how the game plays.
This is not a case of 'less is more' or that having more options hinders the original design of the game. Having a low resolution on D2 was always a performance choice, not a balance choice, because the game did chug along during those days.even with a good computer. Mass particle effect 'lag' was super common.
Quick question: Will my D2 1.14D game key work on lower game versions i.e. 1.12 etc?
Sep 23, 2016
Quick question: Will my D2 1.14D game key work on lower game versions i.e. 1.12 etc?

Found a version 1.12A and yes the key for my 1.14D worked for 1.12A :O)
make d2 graphics update FFS i would pay 100euro for the new version!
I wouldn't mind a mod to play the game at 1280x720 with it upscaled to my displays native resolution using Nearest Neighbour filtering. At 1920x1080 everything is too small on my 24' display. I can't rely on Nvidia or my displays upscaling either as they both don't use Nearest Neighbour, resulting in excess blurring of the visuals (I think they use Bilinear filtering which is the worst filter of all time).
Blizz suck they know if they make an upgrade of D2 all people are going back to D2 instead the crappy D3 x) True BRUH !
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Mods For Diablo 2

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I love Diablo 2 to death, but the fact that it only runs in 800x600 really irks me. Is there any way that I can play it in higher resolutions WITHOUT being Ban Hammered off the face of the earth?
I know it's possible, but they would have to reprogram the enemy AI to attack from different distances, In D2 a higher resolution means that you can see way more than before since its 2d, so you can't get higher res sprites, but it just tends to make everything smaller. I believe they could implement higher res with modified enemy AI to support it. D2multires mod proved you could increase the resolution, but Blizzard needs to implement the changes for it to work gameplay wise as well.
Assuming it works for you, the Glide Wrapper supports scaling to desktop resolution.
Makes alt-tabbing a breeze.
Currently when I play I hook it up to an old Sony crt-monitor...
It actually looks pretty decent, I just wish I could get faster framerate but the game caps at 25? I think.
But yeah would be nice to not have to change monitors.
The official resolution should stay low since it's 15+ years old at this point. A small bump and true widescreen support would be really nice.
Not asking for improved textures. Just support modern resolutions.
I know it's possible, but they would have to reprogram the enemy AI to attack from different distances, In D2 a higher resolution means that you can see way more than before since its 2d, so you can't get higher res sprites, but it just tends to make everything smaller. I believe they could implement higher res with modified enemy AI to support it. D2multires mod proved you could increase the resolution, but Blizzard needs to implement the changes for it to work gameplay wise as well.

1280x720 must be possible!
Assuming it works for you, the Glide Wrapper supports scaling to desktop resolution.
Makes alt-tabbing a breeze.

Could you get banned for using Glide Wrapper? Or is it just a safe adjustment to the way your computer reads it
Could you get banned for using Glide Wrapper? Or is it just a safe adjustment to the way your computer reads it

Glide is allowed atm. See threads.
Morning Kang,
As of right now we're focusing on compatibility and bug fixing for Diablo II. While a higher resolution would be awesome and on our radar, as of right now it's not top priority.
A Glide Wrapper would not a bannable offense.
I appreciate your feedback,

Diablo 2 Single Player Mods

Now that the game is a bit more stable I wanted to bring this back up.
Any future plans for adding this? I'm sure you're aware of the mod MultiRes but I believe that is bannable correct? In testing the mod in single player, the 720p version works really well and doesn't seem to impact the AI. If you follow the same route they went for that I anticipate that it would be a fairly easy fix that wouldn't require too much coding efforts but would make a HUGE impact on gameplay.
As of right now we're focusing on compatibility and bug fixing for Diablo II. While a higher resolution would be awesome and on our radar, as of right now it's not top priority.
there's no need for a higher resolution. it doesnt matter.
To have it full screen, and windowed I use the -w in the shortcut properties 'target' section at the end, then I use ShiftWindow to make it fullscreen with no border. Seems to work well.
And why higher res are not needed? I am highly confident that the ones saying this are playing on some low end laptops with intel onboard VGA that support max res 1366x768 so 800x600 actually looks ok for them.. whats left for the people that have at-least full hd res? Have you seen how pixelized the game looks at 1920x1080?! Or maybe those replies are actually sent from blizzard employees that are trying to sabotage the gamers request?
This is an insult to any person with up to date pc spec and specially monitor. If there will be no support for today's displays then why there are any d2 online servers today? Its 2016 not 2001.. CRT are long gone !!! Blizzard do something and stop being lazy.
When I bought Diablo III it was supposed to be safe from hacks and bots and when the hacks and bots came true blizzard disabled trade and ah to deal with the issue.. its like if you blow a tire just remove it and there will be no more blown tires.. a five years old can come up with such solution..
I am willing to give back all my game cd-keys if you lazies at blizzard rework diablo 2 with graphics close to diablo 3 as diablo 3 is your all time worst game and I have 3K+ play hours to back this up. D3 is suitable for getting you to bed as it is so soo sooo boring and there is actually no end-game, no trade, no pvp no nothing. Any of today's free to play aRPG's are much better..
What do your staff members do all day? What do you pay them for an specially what do we pay you for? To be lazy and do nothing against hackers, botters and polishing your games?
I have bought multiple games from you blizzard - d2, wc3, d3, sc2 and Overwatch(aim hackers in the game atm) and OW would be the last game I purchase from this company as it is now on par with the low standard level that WB have for their pc games.
Evaluation for blizzards latest games work:
D3 - ever going beta with removing features instead of adding such, for example: removing the trade as we can not deal with bots and hacks as our programmers are incapable
Overwatch - final release, still beta with lots of things missing. The biggest mistake here - add all the hacks from Counter-Strinke as in-game features - aim hack(soldier), wall hack(widow), speed hack(tracer). I also have to mention that there are hackers which are exploiting/injecting the ingame features to any char to: see through walls or to aim hack(simply inject the targeting system that the dwarf turret uses)..
Please blizzard get down diablo 3 and rework it to be 1:1 like diablo 2 - you will have much more players online I bet !!!
I Don't like the higher res idea.. you all realize more res = more field of view. You'd be able to telestomp from farther distances.
I Don't like the higher res idea.. you all realize more res = more field of view. You'd be able to telestomp from farther distances.

Just because the game is in a higher resolution does not mean you increase the field of view. You would probably get a higher FoV from Diablo 2 becoming widescreen though.
Running diablo 2 in a higher res (depending if blizzard still has the art assets or not) could just mean higher resolution sprites; because even running all diablo 2 sprites through something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hqx would be a nice improvement.. but this is assuming that the diablo 2 engine can support higher resolution sprites internally.
05/31/2016 10:12 AMPosted by spooky
I Don't like the higher res idea.. you all realize more res = more field of view. You'd be able to telestomp from farther distances.
Just because the game is in a higher resolution does not mean you increase the field of view.

Diablo 2 Resolution Mod

That is precisely what happens. The files won't magically change size, the game just displays more data that in 800x600 is offscreen. Google 'd2 multires mod' and you'll see.
Changing Resolution does not mean increase field of view.
It will be great if there's some image up scaling algorithm like lanczos
rather than just double the pixels.
Does anyone know whats coming next? I'd like to know any info, theres people online saying this is the last of the updates :/
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Diablo 2 High Resolution Patch

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Diablo 2 High Resolution

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