Download Vmware Esxi 5.5


With the 5.5 code now announced and generally available, the article below is largely superseded by the simpler, newer, shinier article:
Download all the VMware vSphere 5.5 pieces to get your home lab started

ESXi 5.5.0 Driver Rollup 1 (Includes VMware Tools) ESXi 5.5.0 ISO with updated drivers (Includes VMware Tools) Boot your server with this ESXi Driver Rollup image in order to install ESXi. I'm confused! Trying ESXi 5.5 the free one which I installed. It says download the tools to manage the server at x.x.x.x. When I go there, it says here you can download the vSphere Client, but then it says note the traditional client doesn't support new features, and to use the vSphere Web client instead. By now, you may have heard, that vSphere 6.7 was released on April 17th which included many new features and enhancements. Customers who are currently on vSphere 6.0 (any version) or 6.5 (GA & Update 1 versions) have a direct upgrade path to vSphere 6.7.

Keep track of VMware ESXi patches, subscribe by RSS, Twitter and E-Mail! - Brought to you by @VFrontDe. Download VMWare vSphere Client 5.5 and 5.5 update 1. VMWare vSphere 5.5 can be adminstered remotely using VMWare vSphere Client 5.5. Once you install vSphere, you can connect to it remotely using vSphere Client.

The VMware's vSphere 5.5 Hardening Guide was an excellent resource in the development of this Benchmark. CIS extends special recognition to the development team of that. ESXi 5.5.0 Driver Rollup 1 (Includes VMware Tools) ESXi 5.5.0 ISO with updated drivers (Includes VMware Tools) Boot your server with this ESXi Driver Rollup image in order to install ESXi with updated drivers.

Original article appears below, with timeline of URL publication status appended below. Here's a short, easily shared link to this page,

All the bits are the same, regardless of the source. Licensing is where things differ.

If you have a VMware Account and license keys:

Start here:

You may encounter the unfortunate 'Unable to Complete Your Request We cannot complete your request at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible' error.

Here's another URL that leads you to all the ESXi versions:

once you choose 5.5 in the drop down menu, you get to the same place however.
[These issues went away Sunday Sep 22, 2013, once VMware brought the links back online]

Grab that VCSA (VMware vCenter Server Appliance) too, you're going to need it! Look for the 4 'VMware vCenter Server Appliance' files here:

If you're looking for the free VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5 Hypervisor:

This general link that's worked for a long time doesn't seem to link to a helpful page at the moment:‎

You might also try this link:

Grab that VCSA (VMware vCenter Server Appliance) too, you're going to need it! Look for the 4 'VMware vCenter Server Appliance' files here:

If you're looking to sign up to receive a 60-day evaluation of vSphere 5.5, including ESXi 5.5:

Visit either
then fill out the form, which it confirms. Not sure when those requests will get filled.
[turns out, at 2:05pm ET on Sep 22, an email went out inviting folks who signed up to download]

If you're just looking for VMware vSphere Client 5.5 installer:

If the above links all fail, and you just want a piece of the new code, there is one link that works fine, the vSphere Client public download URL that requires no authentication. Explanation and screenshots right on, over here.


Sep 20 2013 02:37am ET - The download URLs for VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) have gone live! RTM (Release to Manufacture), GA (Generally Available), whatever you want to call it. So the release is apparently happening, despite no new press release, so far.

Sep 20 2013 12:42pm ET - The first obviously 5.5 related URL below no longer shows a drop down menu for 5.5, reverting to 5.1 as the latest available. This is a step backward from earlier today, so apparently VMware just isn't quite ready yet. Virtual villagers 2 free download full version.

Follow @tinkererguy on Twitter and I'll do my best to notify you, once I've achieved download success, although I will be on a plane to Indianapolis shortly. All information that appears below is subject to change at any time, to give you the latest links that work. Please visit again later for the latest info, or follow @tinkererguy to get alerted to updated info.

Sep 22 2013 02:22pm ET - You heard it here first, by commenter Joey y DiJulio below:

Ladies and gentlemen.. Start your emgines! Its working.. YAY!!!!

Thank you Joey, your comment seemed particularly appropriate, as I'm sitting in Indianapolis Airport right near a race car. Go go downloads! If you're looking for a short URL version of this page to share:

gets you to:
which means my recent YouTube video about 62TB virtual drives was of the RTM code.

Sep 22 2013 03:06 pm ET - Duncan Epping's Yellow Bricks list of links:

It has come to my attention that this article needs a refresh, since the download procedures have changed. Until such an article refresh (based on Update 1) is available, these 3 new download links work great, detailed at TinkerTry right here:
Download ESXi 5.5 Update 1 and the other vSphere pieces to get your home lab started Mar 12 2014.

Original article below:

To get started with your own vSphere 5.5 home lab, you'll find that there's just 3 files you'll need to download. Navigating VMware's site can be tricky. This article gives you the exact URLs, to help you be absolutely sure you got all the right bits and pieces, before you get started with installing anything.

These release notes cover 3 products, with the 2 you'll need to get started on a typical home lab bolded. The vCenter Server download that I'm ignoring in this post is more for folks that wish to install vCenter manually on top of a Windows Server, now a bit old school, since the VCSA (VMware vCenter Server Appliance) has come so far in scale and capabilities, and speed of deployment. You don't need to know Linux at all to configure and use it, as I demonstrate on video here. See also configuration maximums.

VMware ESXi™ 5.5 22 SEPT 2013 Build 1331820
VMware vCenter Server™ 5.5 22 SEPT 2013 Build 1312298
vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 22 SEPT 2013 Build 1312297

Plenty of time to read the release notes during the download of those 3 files, which total 2.38GB in all, pictured above. If you have a slower connection, you may prefer to chose the Akamai DLM option for all the downloads, explained here.

1) Download VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5.0 Build 1331820

Visit this site, and click the Download button:

You're then challenged to login with credentials. Choose new or existing account, because either way, all these downloads listed below are available for free. Licensing is a separate issue.

Once you've logged in, you'll see the download buttons, the one you want is the first item listed.

Here's the details of the file, and the link to the product page:
VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.5.0, Release Date 2013-09-22 ESXi ISO image (Includes VMware Tools), File size: 326MB


2) Download VCSA (VMware vCenter Server Appliance - OVA File) 5.5.0 Build 1312297*

Visit this site:
and authenticate, then Accept the VMware End User License Agreement, as seen at right. You'll need this appliance to have access to many of the ESXi 5.5 specific features that are only accessible by pointing your browser to this appliance, aka, vSphere Web Client. This is how you'll be able to try the new and interesting stuff, seen here.

All you need is the one 5.5.0 OVA file with 'vCenter Server Appliance' in the name.

The site won't allow direct links to the individual 'Download' button, but all the other appliance-related files are bundled inside the OVA file, kindly pointed out by TinkerTry commenter Squuiid here(and article updated accordingly 09:48am ET 9-23-2013).

VMware vCenter Server Appliance - OVA File File size: 1.8GB

*As of Jan 25 2014, this has been replaced by 5.5.0b available from a new download URL, but all these instructions remain essentially unchanged:

3) Download VMware vSphere Client 5.5.0 Build 1281650

Visit this URL, it's a direct link to the installer EXE:
VMware vSphere Client File size: 348 MB (or, shortened for easy sharing,

You still need this C# Windows 32 bit program to initially configure your ESXi host, and to deploy the appliance ('File, Deploy OVF Template'), but after that, not so much. This is the same exact link to the actual EXE from VMware's site that you get when you click on the 'Download vSphere Client' button upon pointing your browser straight to your ESXi host. No authentication is required, can be downloaded at any time.

Use the Windows Explorer screenshot above as your guide, to determine if you got the correct 3 files.

Vmware Esxi 6.0 Download

You are now ready, congratulations! You have the same exact ESXi as seen on Sep 20 2013 here, Wow, is that a 62TB drive in my home lab?

Download Vmware Esxi 5.5 Iso Hp


You may wonder, what about the Client Integration Plug-In in the vSphere Web Client? Well, that bit of code will be coming straight from your VCSA on your local network, once you've got the appliance up and running. Thankfully, the vSphere Web Client is now a decent performer, especially when run off a SATA3 SSD, as seen on the TinkerTry YouTube Channel. Not something I'd dare say about 5.1, which was pretty much intolerable. Phew!

What's next? I will be creating a step-by-step 5.5 installation/configuration guide with video at soon. It will be an updated version of the original hit (based on a slightly earlier build) Build your own VMware vSphere Datacenter in under an hour with the free ESXi 5.5 hypervisor. See also Superguide: VMware vSphere.

Vmware Esxi 5.5 Download Free

Oct 01 2013 Update:
For a comprehensive, step by step guide to the entire process, see also the more thorough, newer article here:
Build your own VMware vSphere 5.5 Datacenter with ESXi and VCSA by Paul Braren on Sep 30 2013.