How To Install Stepmania

  1. Stepmania Tutorial
  2. Stepmania Character Pack
Active5 years, 11 months ago
  1. StepMania 5.0.10, the most recent stable release, has been released for more than a month.Due to lack of Ubuntu binaries, I’ve finally built this release into PPA available for Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 14.04. Install StepMania 5 via PPA: Before getting started, remove previous release and backup songs if any.
  2. To use a DDR pad with stepmania, you have to have a PS2 to USB adapter, with the correct drivers installed on your computer. Play DDR on your Computer by musicninja17 in computers. Download 8 Steps Share. Favorite I Made it! Or individual songs.To install those, you have to copy them into the folder usually located atC.

Installing songs for Stepmania is rather simple, but some people may get confused if it is not properly explained. So here is a step by step tutorial on how you should install your songs for StepMania.

I'm trying to install Stepmania, following these instructions:

I finally figured out how to install libpng1.5.15 thanks to someone on here. Now I'm having trouble with the final step. I extracted the .tar.bz2 file to my desktop, and did the 'cd Desktop/stepmania' command. The next command is the one that gives me trouble, though: './stepmania'

When I enter './stepmania' it gives me an error message, and a crash info txt file. I'll copy and paste all of that.

And then the crashinfo.txt says:

I'm pretty new to Ubuntu/Linux, so I'm still trying to figure it out. I don't understand most of it so far. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Ratiomaster download. HE then downloaded about 40GB of stuff which killed my ratio. Thanks for the article, this really helped me out. I’m using this because I logged into a private tracker at a friends house and forgot to log off. Now, I’m using this to bring it back up to 1.35 instead of the 0.938 that it is currently at. And if you are only using this to bring up your fallen ratio and will stop once your ratio is back to 1, simply stop using RatioMaster once at the desired ratio and tell them that due to money restraints, you had to revert back to your cheaper, slower plan.


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Active4 months ago

I have Stepmania running and my official Dance Dance Revolution dance pad from DDR Universe 2, but I can't get the former to work with the latter.

lsusb says:

I tried to look at the relevant Ubuntu documentation for lucid lynx 10.04 LTS, with no luck.

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Stepmania Tutorial

migrated from gaming.stackexchange.comApr 5 '11 at 17:34

This question came from our site for passionate videogamers on all platforms.


1 Answer

From :

For most dance pads, joydev and analog modules are required. Xbox Dance Pads require the xpad module. If they are already compiled with your kernel, try:

If not, refer to the manual of your distribution how to get it (you can also download the kernel sources from and compile your own kernel yourself).

Then look for some test program, like joystick. Install it with your package manager or compile it yourself.

And launch :

You might need to link /dev/input/js0 to /dev/js0 by typing:

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(I modified it a bit, now it's working on Ubuntu)


I hope this helped you,


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