Rune Factory 4 Airship License


Let’s get one thing straight: Rune Factory games are huge. There is little to no chance anyone on staff can play one of these games quickly enough to do a proper review after a week, given our review guidelines. So, here are my first impressions of Rune Factory 4 after at least ten hours of the way through the game.

First things first, if you’ve ever played a Rune Factory or Harvest Moon game before, you’ll be familiar with most of the base concepts of the game. You have farming, which hasn’t really changed since the beginning, and you have the adventuring, where you mine, gather resources and fight in the action-RPG side of things.

To get any of the crafting station in Rune Factory 4, you first need to order the appropriate license. After obtaining the license for each crafting type, you will be able to purchase the work areas from around town. Rune Factory 4 If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Register yourself as a member of Eyes on Final Fantasy in order to post, have less ads, be able to read more thread replies per page, and much much more. Rune Factory 4 features a number of gorgeous looking anime cut-scenes as well as highly detailed character portraits of all of the named characters in the game. Rune Factory 4 is a role-playing video game developed by Neverland Co. And published by Marvelous AQL for the Nintendo 3DS.It is the sixth game in the Rune Factory series, and the first to be released on the 3DS.

One of the things touted coming into this game was a removal of grid-based farming. I’m not exactly sure what it means but I don’t see much of a difference. You have designated areas where you can farm—which isn’t limited to just your living area—and you till squares that are predetermined. There is a difference in that you have 2×2 squares that have differing soil quality levels. You can check the levels with the Magnifying Glass and create fertilizer from grass in order to raise the soil level. (NOTE: I originally said Greenifier was what improved soil quality. While Greenifier does have uses for the soil, that was inaccurate.) But other than that, not much has changed.

The action sections in the game are pretty standard for this series as well. You fight the monsters you come across and gain experience as you fight more. You can also befriend monsters in order to help you fight and work on the farm by brushing them and giving them a gift. I usually go for a combination of brushing and Onigiri (rice ball) in order to befriend monsters. You also travel through caves that feature major boss battles at the end. So far, I’ve defeated one boss and am working on the second.

Rune Factory 4 Journal Rune Factory 4 Journal. When I bought the Forge Licence, a new Licence to use the Airship for 300p appeared in the Menu. Bought the Airship Licence and took the exam: To use the Airship, you can: Check the equipment. Can be Rune Factory 1, 2, 3, Frontier, Tides of Destiny. Rune Factory 4, the sixth title in Neverland Co’s hit series, is easily the most immersive and well-rounded installment yet. Rune Factory has always been more expansive than its sister series.

You can also take requests from townsfolk—which is done by talking to either villagers or a talking box called Eliza (cute touch there, Neverland)—which will result in a number of different rewards upon completion. One of the things I like about the requests is that they don’t expect you to do something that you’ve already completed. For instance, if a person asks you to befriend an animal and you’ve already done so, you just simply talk to Eliza again and she (or would being a box make Eliza an it?) will give you the reward.

And, of course, you have the other signature of these games: crafting, forging, and cooking. Just like most any other Rune Factory and Harvest Moon game, you need to earn your tools and the recipes to make items, food, weapons, and better tools. However, there is one catch: you can’t get the tools until you earn a license for it. And this is the start of where Rune Factory 4 separates itself from the rest of the series.

The main plot of Rune Factory 4 deals with your character becoming the Prince/Princess that rules the town of Selphia. As the head of the town, you can dictate what happens via Orders. This can lead to new Festivals, licenses for cooking and crafting, and even a bigger backpack. You execute these Orders by earning Points, which are earned through shipping items, defeating monsters, completing requests, and even simply talking to the townsfolk.

This system works very well. Some of the Orders may seem out of reach at first but can be executed rather easily. Every little point really does add up, especially if you keep up with shipping, adventuring, taking requests, and talking with the citizens. I’m about 16 days in and have so far earned nearly all basic licenses, built an animal barn, expanded both my backpack and storage bin, and have created all but one festival that was available to me. Pretty soon, I’ll earn that festival, work on a higher cooking license, and start working on expanding my backpack more.

There is only really one thing I don’t like about Rune Factory 4 so far. That would be the in-game clock. It keeps running inside of buildings. This is something that bugs me, especially since I grew up on Harvest Moon games on home consoles. I like to have time stop when I’m inside a building. I want to feel like I don’t have to run around with my head cut off to do anything. One of my last favorite Harvest Moon games, specifically on a handheld, is Island of Happiness, partly because I can take my time inside of a building. I’ve actually returned and traded-in Harvest Moon games because of it.

However, after playing through a bit of the game (and having my anxiety under control), I’ve realized that it’s not that bad, especially with fast travel via airship (which you’ll need to earn a license to use). I’ve been able to farm, talk with citizens, complete requests, fish, and go exploring through a dungeon in a single day and still make it back in time to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Still prefer the other system, but I’m feeling a bit better about this.

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There’s also a couple of interesting things that I found in Rune Factory 4 that need to be called into question. The first is a very minor one for XSEED, the North American publisher. There is a conversation part during the Fishing Frenzy Contest day were my character talks with a group of villagers when Margaret, one of the love interests, suddenly utters a line of Japanese. I don’t know if that was intentional or not but I don’t necessarily blame XSEED for missing it (assuming they missed it). This is a publisher that probably looks over a million Japanese characters per game. They’re bound to miss three or four in a game. I don’t blame them for missing it. I just wanted to bring it to their attention.

The second thing was more on the developer, Neverland. After falling into the dragon’s castle (because dragons have those, apparently), you are asked what your name is. After giving your name and having a brief conversation with the dragon, the main butler will call you by the expected royal family member’s name, which you will object to since that isn’t what you said. But you can also input the Royal person’s name, Arthur, and still have the same conversation. This gets weird when your character, if a man, says something like ‘But I’m not Lord Arthur. My name is Arthur.’ There was a missed opportunity here for some funny dialog with the butler, as well as an “I am you, and you are me” conversation with Arthur when he arrives (again, if you choose the male). On the female side, they did make sure to have your character point out that Arthur is a boy’s name.

But besides those issues, I’m having a lot of fun with Rune Factory 4. Everything that makes it a Rune Factory game is wonderful and the added Royal duties in the game hit the mark. This is a top notch game worthy of anyone’s money. It may even be my personal Game of the Year.

If I were giving Rune Factory 4 a score today, I’d consider giving it the full five stars. However, I think I need a little something more to put it over for a perfect rating. I can’t really put my finger on it right now but I feel like something in the game needs to ‘wow’ me. I hope it’s still in the game waiting for me.

If you were on the fence about Rune Factory 4, I hope I convinced you to buy it. But be warned: if you purchase the game through the eShop, you will need at least 11,000 available blocks to download the game. Like I said earlier, Rune Factory games are huge.

This copy has been provided by the publisher for review purposes.



  • This is a real-time action game, not turn-based. The faster you smash that attack button, the faster your opponet dies.
  • While in-game, there is no manual option to load a saved game, but there is a soft-reset: L+R+Start
  • Too many soft-resets can cause problems with the game.
  • A new day starts at 6:00a, and the clock moves fast (approximately 1-minute in-game time, per second).
    • If you're waking up in your bed (at the castle), head for the farm straight away.
    • Items in the shipment box are collected at 8:00a.
    • The sky changes to dusk at 19:00 hours (7:00p).
    • The owl starts howling at 21:00 hours (9:00p).
  • Once you're done farming, check on the monsters in your Barn.
  • Then check in with Eliza, the talking Request Box, for any requests to complete.
    • You can get free items to help you complete requests (ie: cheap axe/sickle, brush)
LOpen/Close quick Inventory (follow-up attack if running)nothing
R(double-click) dashwalknothing
APick-up item (up to 9 identical items)Throw itemSlow-complete dialouge
BUse equipped item * (weapon,tool,seeds,etc); eatFast-complete dialouge
YKeep: pack away held item; Use equipped rune skillUse equipped rune skillSkip dialouge
XKeep: pack away held item; Use equipped rune skillUse equipped rune skillHide/Show dialouge
startCharacter details; backpacknothing
selectCharacter details; backpacknothing
* Holding B with certain items will 'charge' them. Releasing that charge will affect a larger area.
HPHit Points (life points)
RPRune PointsRecover by eating, bathing or sleeping

'If you're tired, hold still and replenish your RP. That's a little something you learn, being a traveler.' -- Wise Conner


  • 'You can till elegantly' - Clorica
  • 'Farming can also strengthen you both physically and mentally '- Vishnal
  • 'Some crops can be used as weapons .. or grow into dungeons. '- Vishnal
  • If you dont have a sickle, you can use a hoe (or swords) to dig up bamboo shoots
  • 'The higher the speed level of the field, the faster the crops you plant in it will grow' -- Dirty Scott
  • Save time: instead of walking over to your shipping box, throw items into it. And ship lots of items to make some quick cash.
  • Instead of harvesting plants, use the sickle to yield higher-level seeds of that plant.
  • One you complete the Request for shipping a Level 2 turnip (available from Eliza), be sure to put at least one of the higher-level seeds in the Shipping Box. It will make its seeds available to purchase at the new level.
    (Similarly when shipping higher-level plants; they will be availible for purchase later)
  • 'A single Fertilizer Bin will cover all of the fields.' - Vishnal
Magnifying Glass (on crops)
[Crop Lv.] 5 [No.] 4Crop Level: if blue, could harvest a higher/lower level then when planted. Number: how many crops to be harvested.
[Grw.] 100% [HP] 112Growth: percentage completed. HP Crop's health: 0 to
[Overall] 4 [Spd.] 1Overall: ?? Speed: How fast the crop will reach 100%.
[Ql.] 2 [No.] 2 [Sz.] 1??.Number: Additional crops that can be harvested?. Size:
[Grw.] 1.0x [Ql.] +0.02Growth speed multiplier for the crops: 0.1x to 5.0x. Quality: +2.00
[Health] 96 [Def.] 4Health for field: 0 to 255. Defense (against Typhoons): 0 to 63.

If you add a magnifying glass to the initial/build materials of a waterpot, you'll see the field stats as you water your fields.
Same concept applies if added to hoes, sickles, axes, hammers, poles. Even armor and weapons -- but why would you want to do that?
There are a handful of farms in the game, four of which are specific to a season.

SpringSercerezo HillSercerezo LakeSpring SpringCherry Tree
Blue, Green, Red, White Crystal Seeds
(one kind per calendar month)
giant produce
SummerSelphia PlainsKeeno LakeSummer SpringCedar Tree
Apple, Orange, Grape, or Shining Seeds
AutumnAutumn RoadAutumn RiverAutumn SpringAutumn Bridge?
Maya Road EntranceGems
WinterSilverSilver LakeWinter Springun-named
Sechs Territory

I like to put a Fertilizer Bin, a Lumber Box, and a Shipping Box on each of the Fields.
* Fun fact: Cerezo is Spanish for Cherry tree.


Not all Orders are availiable straight away.

  • Some are time-dependant (ie: Festivals)
  • Others have prerequisite Orders that need to be completed first (ie: Storage and Fridges)
  • Some depend on your Royal Title (ie: Struggling Prince, Respected Princess, etc)
  • How well you get to know the NPCs.
  • Finally, if you have previously beaten the story line.
Order (licenses)GoldStoneLumberPointsEffect(s)
Business Licensenonenonenone1000Allows to open and operate your own shop.
Airship Licensenonenonenone300Use the airship for easier travel
EZ Cooking Licensenonenonenone100Allows cooking with simple tools
Pro Cooking Licensenonenonenone500Allows cooking with professional tools
Chemistry Licensenonenonenone100Allows mixing medicine with a set.
Crafting Licensenonenonenone200Allows constructing accessories with a Crafting Table.
Forging Licensenonenonenone200Create and upgrade weapons with a Forge.
Order (festivals)GoldStoneLumberPointsEffect(s)
Cooking Contestnonenonenone1000Spring 6 Festival
Bean Toss Contestnonenonenone1000Spring 10 Festival
De-Fluffing Festivalnonenonenone1000Spring 19 Festival
Turnip Festivalnonenonenone1000Summer 11 Festival
Big Catch Contestnonenonenone1000Summer 15 Festival
Buddy Battlenonenonenone1000Summer 24 Festival
Eating Contestnonenonenone1000Autumn 4 Festival
Fish Variety Contestnonenonenone1000Autumn 15 Festival
Handicraft Contestnonenonenone1000Autumn 19 Festival
Turnip Flurrynonenonenone1000Winter 5 Festival
Quiz Contestnonenonenone1000Winter 13 Festival
Squid Catch Contestnonenonenone1000Winter 15 Festival
Order (cancel festival)GoldStoneLumberPointsEffect(s)
Cancel festivalnonenonenone1000Cancel any of the above festivals, or holidays
Order (shops)GoldStoneLumberPointsEffect(s)
Blossom's Furniturenonenonenone800Blossom will sell useful furniture: double bed, bookshelf, closet, bins.
Lumie's Flowershopnonenonenone500Illuminata will sell previously shipped flowers.
Blossom's Groceriesnonenonenone500Blossom will sell previously shipped crops.
More Cooking Bread!nonenonenone750Porcoline will bake more Cooking Bread each day
Bado's Accessoriesnonenonenone500Bado will sell accessories.
Bado's Bargain Salenonenonenone2000Bado will sell bargain items.
Jewelry Shopnonenonenone2000Invite a gem-selling merchant to the town.
Clothing Shopnonenonenone800Invite a merchant who sells clothes to the town.
Fish Marketnonenonenone2000Invite a merchant who sells fish to the town.
Furniture Shopnonenonenone1000Invite a merchant who sells furniture to the town.
Magic Shopnonenonenone2500Invite a merchant who sells magic to the town.
Ability Shopnonenonenone2500Invite a merchant who sells Rune Abilities to the town.
Nationalize Bathsnonenonenone35000Open up the Bell Hotel to the general public.
Order (development)GoldStoneLumberPointsEffect(s)
New Backpacknonenonenone50Increase backpack from 15 to 30 items.
New Backpacknonenonenone500Increase backpack from 30 to 45 items.
New Backpacknonenonenone1000Increase backpack from 45 to 60 items.
New Fridge (1st upgrade)none20none50Increase storage from 90 to 150 items.
New Fridge (2nd upgrade)none50none300Increase storage from 150 to 240 items.
New Fridge (3rd upgrade)none100none500Increase storage from 240 to 330 items.
New Fridge (4th upgrade)none250none1000Increase storage from 330 to 450 items.
New Storage Box (1st upgrade)nonenone2050Increase storage from 90 to 150 items.
New Storage Box (2nd upgrade)none50none300Increase storage from 150 to 240 items.
New Storage Box (3rd upgrade)nonenone100500Increase storage from 240 to 330 items.
New Storage Box (4th upgrade)nonenone2501000Increase storage from 330 to 450 items.
New Storage Box (5th upgrade)nonenone5001500Increase storage from 450 to 570 items.
New Bookshelf (1st upgrade)nonenone100200Increase bookshelf from 15 to 45 items.
New Safe (1st upgrade)none100100200Increase safe size from 30 to 60 items.
New Wardrobe (1st upgrade)nonenone100200Increase wardrobe from 30 to 60 items.
New Shipping Box (1st upgrade)nonenone50150Increase shipping box size from 60 to 90 items.
Expand Room (1st upgrade)1000050751000Expand your room.
Expand Room (2nd upgrade)500002003001500Expand your room again.
Expand Farm (1st upgrade)100003050500Adds another 12x08 plot to your main farm
Expand Farm (2nd upgrade)500002002501000Adds another 12x08 plot to your main farm
Build Monster Barn (new in farm)none3050100A home for monsters you befriend. Located in your main farm (left of the water well).
Build Monster Barn (new in field)none6080200A home for monsters you befriend. Located in the extended farm.
Expand Monster Barn (1st expansion)none80100200Add 2nd room (up to 5) to an existing monster barn.
Expand Monster Barn (2nd expansion)none150200400Add 3rd room (up to 5) to an existing monster barn.
Expand Monster Barn (3rd expansion)none200300800Add 4th room (up to 5) to an existing monster barn.
Expand Monster Barn (Final expansion)none4005001500Add 5th, final room to an existing monster barn.
Unify Cooking Toolsnonenonenone5000Going to any one of your cooking tools gives you all cooking options.
Order (others)GoldStoneLumberPointsEffect(s)
Advertise Selphianonenonenone1500Attract more tourists to Selphia
Wood to Your Farmnonenonenone500Add branches and stumps to my farm (if I have the space). Not on a daily basis.
Stone to Your Farmnonenonenone500Add stones and rocks to my farm (if I have the space). Not on a daily basis.
Add Ability Slotsnonenonenone1000Increase the number of slots for Rune Abilities (30 to )
BGM: Rune Factory 1nonenonenone50Change the town's background music.
BGM: Rune Factory 2nonenonenone50Change the town's background music.
BGM: Rune Factory 3nonenonenone50Change the town's background music.
BGM: Frontiernonenonenone50Change the town's background music.
BGM: Tides/Destinynonenonenone50Change the town's background music.
Barrett Comes Dailynonenonenone300Ask Barrett to come into town every day.
Cancel Barrett Visitnonenonenone300Tell Barrett it's okay to stay home.
Raven Comes Dailynonenonenone300Ask Barrett to come into town every day.
Cancel Raven Visitnonenonenone300Tell Raven it's okay to stay home. She wants to anyway.
Wake-up: Cloricanonenonenone10Clorica will wake up your character
Wake-up: Vishnalnonenonenone10Vishnal will wake up your character
Wake-up: Picononenonenone8000Pico will wake up your character
Cancel Wake-up Callnonenonenone10No one will wake up your character
Take Back Hatsnonenonenone500Erase all history of gifting hats
Break All Furniturenonenonenone500Go buck-wild and smash everything to bits
Order (extra orders)GoldStoneLumberPointsEffect(s)
Show/Hide Enemies' Levelsnonenonenone200Show/Hide anyone's level on screen, yes, even the NPCs.
Show/Hide Enemies' HPnonenonenone200Show/Hide monsters' HP on screen
Disable Exp Gainnonenonenone10Set Exp gain to zer0. Can re-enable.
Disable Skill Gainnonenonenone10Set Skill gain to zer0. Can re-enable.
Sharance Mazenonenonenone3000Import a branch from Sharance, allowing access to the maze.
Change appearancenonenonenone50Change appearance to look like anyone, and change back any time.
10000 Prince pts -> 100000 Gnonenonenone10000Exchange Prince(ss) points for money
Summon typhoonnonenonenone1000'Danger' is their middle name.
Push away typhoonnonenonenone1000Physically push away a typhoon.

Too many Rune Abilities? Buy a bookshelf and store the extras in there.
Dont forget Leon can upgrade magic.


When it comes to forging, level 10 is the highest any item can go.
Once you can obtain a forge, spend some quality time with it. The Broadsword (found under 'Short Sword') is the easiestitem to craft in the entire game. It requires one piece of ore to make, and Iron can found just outside the castle.
Now that you have your first Broadsword, go find yourself nine Green Grass (it might be in your unkempt farm!). Go back to the forgeand upgrade that Broadsword with one of the nine Green Grass. Repeat the upgrade process, using one grass per upgrade, untilthe sword is a Level 10. Then sell it. You'll get some needed gold plus some needed experience with the forge.
When you have obtained a Crafting Table, a Small Shield (using one piece of Iron ore), will be your starting item.Again, use Green Grass for upgrading the Shield to a Level 10, and then sell it.
Eat more Recipe Bread to learn how to make more items. So long as the Difficulty level for the item you want to makeremains at or below your Skill level, you'll gain experience better.
That is, if your Forging Skill Level is a 5, do not bother to forge a Level 7 Cutlass.
Instead, upgrade a weapon to level 10. In fact, if it's an unshipped weapon, forge it, level it up and sell it.
As your skill level increases, switch out the Grass you use: from Green Grass to Purple Grass level 5.At level 8, move on to Antidote Grass. At level 11, Blue Grass.

  • Level 23 for Black Grass [Obsidian Mansion]
  • Level 29 for Indigo [Maya Road]
  • Level 39 for Yellow [Autumn Road] (or Level 40 for Red [Delirium Lava Ruins])
  • Level 48 for Orange [Sercerezo Hill]
  • Level 65 for White [Sechs Territory]

Dont waste time and RP using Grass that has a higher Difficulty than your skill level. You will not gain any additionalexperience using the better Grass.
If you have extra Grass left over, ship it. Then, if you need to, you can buy that Grass from Nancy or Jones at their Clinic.
Remember: Your STR has a chance to increase every time your Forging Skill increases, and that extra STR increases your ATK.
If you have one or more cooking tables, and a steady source of eggs and milk, cook up items to restore your RP.In fact, cook first thing in the morning, so it is ready when you need it most.
Traveler quotes about forging:

  • 'Rare Can looks like nothing but trash. But if you use it to strengthen a weapon, it'll make monsters drop rare items more often.' -- Mystic Deon
  • 'The other day, I was going to make Broadsword. I added Cutlass to the mix. What I got resembled a Broadsword but had the abilities of Cutlass.' -- Clumsy Kojiro
  • 'When I was making a Broadsword, I added Light Ore and Battle Hammer. You wont believe what I got. See? It looks like Broadsword but it's as powerful as a hammer!' -- Expert Ken
  • 'Rumor has it that using a fish to strengthen your fishing pole will make that fish easier to catch.' -- Unique Don Juan
Interesting forging combinations. Not the best combinations, but weaker combinations for weaker-level characters.
Required materialAdded material
ItemItem TypeMaximum Forging LevelMaterial 1Material 2Material 3Material 4Material 5Material 6Notes
Small ShieldShield2MineralsFur (S)Fur (S)Fur (S)A beginner's shield with VIT +3 and Diz Res 3%.
Chaos ShieldShield25 35SilverPretty CarapaceGhost HoodInsect CarapaceInsect CarapacePretty CarapacePoison Res 100%, Par Res 85%, Seal Res 100%
Shield RingAccessory44 65Blk. Tortise ShellTurtle ShellMineralsFur (L)Big Bird's CombCursed DollDiz Res 25%, Seal Res 15%, Par Res 15%, Faint Res 50%, Drain Res 20%


Dreamy Karen says:Eating food gives you various benefits, but they go away with time. Or when you eat a different dish.

Upon a first request for a cooking item, Porcoline will provide you with a Cooking Table that can make only 'Simple Dishes'This will get you on your way to getting a cooking license (via an Order), and more cooking tools.Porcoline will also give you your first recipe: Onigiri Recipe.By eating Recipe Bread, you'll learn more (1-3) recipes. Porcoline sells one to four loaves of Recipe Bread of different kinds per day:

  • Accessory Bread for 150G
  • Cooking Bread for 100G
  • Farming Bread for 250G
  • Medicine Bread for 120G
  • Weapon Bread for 180G

Bread can sometimes be found in treasure chests, or winning contests. If you cannot learn a new recipe after eating it, you will regurgitate it. Good for saving it later.

Foods that Restore or Boost stats.
These effects are not permanent
Food NameFood LevelCook ItemItem 1Item 2Item 3Item 4Item 5Item 624 Hr Effect(s)
(as Level 1 dish)
Onigiri2Cooking TableRiceHP +220, RP +30, STR +1, VIT +1, INT +1
Pickled Turnip4Cooking TableTurnipHP +250, RP +100, STR +5, VIT +3, INT +5
Bamboo Rice7Cooking TableRiceBamboo SproutHP +300, RP +80, STR +2, VIT +2, INT +2
Pickles10Cooking TableCucumberHP +400, RP +100, STR +4, VIT +3, INT +2
Pickled Turnip12Cooking TablePink TurnipHP +250, RP +100, STR +5, VIT +3, INT +5
Salmon Onigiri20Cooking TableSalted SalmonRiceHP +2700, RP +220, STR +10, VIT +6, INT +9
Cheese22Cooking TableSour DropMilkRP +30
Sandwich34Cooking TableBreadEggCucumberHP +4000, RP +840, STR +23, VIT +12, INT +17
Fruit Sandwich35Cooking TableBreadStrawberryHP +4080, RP +1000, STR +30, VIT +15, INT +20
Pickle Mix48Cooking TableTurnipPink Turnip-
Relax Tea Leaves50Cooking TableWhite GrassOrange GrassGreen GrassYellow GrassBlue GrassPurple Grass-
Salad67Cooking TableMayonnaiseCucumberTomatoCabbage-
Turnip Heaven96Cooking TableTurnipPink TurnipGolden Turnip-
Pike Sashimi1KnifePikeHP +120, RP +30, STR +1
Trout Sashimi2KnifeMasu TroutHP +150, RP +50, STR +3
Cherry Sashimi3KnifeCherry SalmonHP +200, RP +50, STR +5
Needlefish Sashimi4KnifeNeedlefishHP +200, RP +70, STR +7
Squid Sashimi4KnifeSquidHP +200, RP +80, STR +10
Girella Sashimi6KnifeGirellaHP +220, RP +100, STR +12
Sardine Sashimi8KnifeSardineHP +350, RP +100, STR +15
Salmon Sashimi12KnifeSalmonHP +600, RP +150, STR +18
Shrimp Sashimi14KnifeShrimpHP +1000, RP +240, STR +20
Char Sashimi15KnifeCharHP +1000, RP +400, STR +22
Turbot Sashimi21KnifeTurbotHP +1900, RP +700, STR +25
Rainbow Sashimi26KnifeRainbow TroutHP +2860, RP +700, Poison Resist 100%
Flounder Sashimi30KnifeFlounderHP +3240, RP +800, STR +28
Skipjack Sashimi37KnifeSkipjackHP +4520, RP +800, STR +30
Lobster Sashimi40KnifeLobsterHP +5000, RP +800, STR +35
Snapper Sashimi50KnifeSnapper-
Lamp Squid Sashimi53KnifeLamp Squid-
Fall Sashimi58KnifeFall Flounder-
Lover Sashimi63KnifeThrobby Snapper-
Yellowtail Sashimi68KnifeYellowtail-
Blowfish Sashimi71KnifeBlowfish-
Tuna Sashimi74KnifeTuna-
Sunsquid Sashimi77KnifeSunsquid-
Taimen Sashimi79KnifeTaimen-
Glitter Sashimi92KnifeGlitter Snapper-
Salted Pond Smelt6Frying PanPond SmeltSour DropHP +350, RP max +3, INT +1
Salted Pike8Frying PanPikeSour DropHP +480, RP max +5, INT +2
Baked Apple9Frying PanAppleHP +550, HP max +10, STR +1, VIT +1, INT +1
Salted Masu Trout9Frying PanMasu TroutSour DropHP +600, RP max +7, INT +3
Salted C. Salmon12Frying PanCherry SalmonSour DropHP +780, RP max +8, INT +4
Grilled Needlefish12Frying PanNeedlefishSour DropHP +800, RP max +10, INT +5
Grilled Squid13Frying PanSquidSour DropHP +1080, RP max +15, INT +8
Grilled C. Carp14Frying PanCrucian CarpSour DropHP +1320, RP max +20, INT +10
Grilled S. Flounder15Frying PanSand FlounderSour DropHP +1480, RP max +25, INT +12, Poison Atk +1%, Paralysis Atk +1%
Grilled Girella16Frying PanGirellaSour DropHP +1640, RP max +30, INT +15
Grilled Mackerel16Frying PanMackerelSour DropHP +1720, RP max +35, INT +16
Salted Salmon17Frying PanSalmonSour DropHP +1800, RP max +40, INT +18
Grilled Shrimp18Frying PanShrimpSour DropHP +1960, RP max +45, INT +20
Salted Char19Frying PanCharSour DropHP +2200, RP max +50, INT +22
Grilled Gibelio19Frying PanGibelioSour DropHP +2280, RP max +55, INT +23
Fried Eggs20Frying PanEggHP +2360, HP max +50, STR +5, VIT +5, INT +5
Grilled Turbot21Frying PanTurbotSour DropHP +2680, RP max +60, INT +25
Salted Chub23Frying PanChubSour DropHP +3000, RP max +65, INT +28
French Fries24Frying PanOilPotatoHP +3160, HP max +80, STR +7, VIT +7, INT +7
Dried Sardines24Frying PanSardineSardineSardineHP +3240, RP max +70, INT +30
Salted R. Trout27Frying PanRainbow TroutSour DropHP +3640, RP max +80, INT +32, Poison Resist 100%, Poison Atk 50%
Omelet28Frying PanMilkEggHP +3800, HP max +100, STR +10, VIT +10, INT +10
Fried Rice30Frying PanRiceOilEggHP +4120, HP max +150, STR +12, VIT +12, INT +12
Miso Eggplant31Frying PanEggplantHP+4200, HP max +180m STR +13, VIT +13, INT +13
French Toast31Frying PanBreadEggHP +4280, HP max +200, STR +15, VIT +15, INT +15
Grilled Flounder31Frying PanFlounderSour DropHP +4360, RP max +90, INT +33
Croquettes33Frying PanOilPotatoEggHP +4600, HP max +250, STR +17, VIT +17, INT +17
Tempura36Frying PanOilFlourShrimpEggHP +5160, HP max +270, STR +20, VIT +20, INT +20
Grilled Skipjack37Frying PanSkipjackSour DropHP +5400, RP max +100, INT +35
Grilled Lobster41Frying PanLobsterSour DropHP +5880, RP max +105, INT +37
Donut46Frying PanOilFlourButterEgg (M)-
Risotto48Frying PanRiceWineButter-
Pancakes49Frying PanFlourHoneyMilkEgg-
Popcorn51Frying PanCorn-
Grilled Snapper51Frying PanSnapperSour Drop-
Corn Cereal53Frying PanCornMilk-
Grilled Lamp Squid54Frying PanLamp SquidSour Drop-
Grilled F. Flounder58Frying PanFall FlounderSour Drop-
Curry Bread59Frying PanOilFlourCurry-
Omelet Rice60Frying PanOmeletRiceKetchup-
Fried Veggies 62 Frying PanCabbage -
Cabbage Cakes64Frying PanFlourCabbageEgg Leek -
Grilled L. Snapper66Frying PanThrobby SnapperSour Drop-
Griled Yellowtail69Frying PanYellowtailSour Drop-
Grilled Blowfish72Frying PanBlowfishSour Drop-
Tuna Teriyaki75Frying PanTunaSour Drop-
Grilled Sunsquid78Frying PanSunsquidSour Drop-
Salted Taimen80Frying PanTaimenSour DropHP +5000, HP +100%, RP +1000, RP +25%, RP max +200, RP max +1-%, INT +100, INT +8%
Dry Curry86Frying PanRiceCurry PowderCarrot Onion-
Gyoza88Frying PanFlourOnionCabbage-
Grilled G. Snapper93Frying PanGlitter SnapperSour Drop-
Fried Udon95Frying PanFlourOnionCarrotCabbage-
Orange Juice5MixerOrangeHP +150, RP +150, INT +2
Grape Juice7MixerGrapesHP +220, RP +200, INT +8
Apple Juice11MixerAppleHP +500, RP +230, INT +10
Fruit Juice18MixerAppleGrapesOrangeHP +1620, RP +500, INT +25
Ice Cream25MixerSweet powderMilkHP +3000, RP +450, STR +17, VIT +10, INT +15, Fire Resist 30%, Water Resist -30%
Mayonnaise28MixerOilEggHP +5
Strawberry Milk33MixerStrawberryMilkHP +4000, RP +680, INT +30
Tomato Juice35MixerTomatoHP +4000, RP +920, INT +45
Fruit Smoothie37MixerFruit JuiceMilkHP +4480, RP +1000, INT +65
Vegetable Juice59MixerPumpkinTurnipCarrotSpinach-
Prelude t oLove61MixerPinkMelonStrawberry-
Veggi Smoothie65MixerVegetableJuiceMilk-
Hot Juice76MixerHeavySpiceHot-hotFruit-
Pineapple Juice81Mixerpineapple-
Mixed Juice83MixerAppleGrapesOrangePineappleStrawberryMilk -
Mixed Smoothie91MixerMixedJuiceHoney-
Gold Juice99MixerGoldenPumpkinEmeryFlowerGoldenPotatoGoldenTurnipGoldenCabbage-
Rice Porridge2PotRice HP +100, RP +150, RP max+10, Sick Resist 20%
Marmalade5PotOrangeHP +30, RP +10
Udon7PotFlourHP +300, RP +100, HP max +150, Earth Resist 5%
Grape Jam9PotGrapesHP +30, RP +10
Apple Jam10PotAppleHP +30, RP +10
Hot Chocolate11PotChocolateHP +150, RP +500, RP max +50
Boiled Spinach13PotSpinachHP +800, RP +360, HP max +300
Hot Milk17PotMilkHP +880, RP +1000, RP max +80, RP max +5%
Boiled Egg18PotEggHP +1500, RP +540, HP max +500
Yogurt19PotSweet PowderMilkRP +50
Milk Porridge20PotRiceMilkHP +1440, RP +1000, RP max +100, Sick Resist 80%
Egg Bowl21PotRiceEggHP +2000, RP +760, HP max +800
Boiled Pumpkin25PotPumpkinHP +2500, RP +820, HP max +1000
Strawberry Jam27PotStrawberryHP +30, RP +10
Glazed Yam28PotSweet PowderYamHP +3000, RP +720, HP max +1200
Grilled Miso29PotRadishHP +3000, RP +880, HP max +1500
Cheese Fondue32PotBreadCheeseHP +3640, RP +800, HP max +1800
Grape Liqueur39PotGrapesWineHP +3640, RP +2000, RP max +120 +10%, Crit +15%, Critical Resist -25%, Status Ailment: Sleep
Bread8OvenFlourHP +400, RP +120, STR +4, VIT +4, INT +4
Baked Onigiri10OvenOnigiriHP +500, RP +200, VIT +5
Sweet Potato20OvenYamHP +2020, RP +500, VIT +10
Toast21OvenBreadHP +2040, RP +800, VIT +15
Raisin Bread27OvenFlourGrapesHP +3000, RP +400, STR +15, VIT +8, INT +10
Jam Roll34OvenFlourJamEggMilkHP +3760, RP +1000, VIT +25
Apple Pie36OvenFlourAppleButterEggHP +4240, RP +1000, VIT +30
Cookie38OvenFlourSweet PowderEggButterHP +4560, RP +1000, VIT +35
Seafood Doria39OvenRiceShrimpCheeseSquidMilkHP +4720, RP +1000, VIT +40, Water Resist 5%, Wind Resist 5%
Seafood Gratin42OvenFlourShrimpCheeseSquidMilkHP +4960, RP +1000, VIT +60, Water Resist 5%, Wind Resist 5%
Butter Roll43OvenFlourButterEggMilk-
Choco Cookie45OvenFlourButterSweet PowderChocolateEgg-
Cheesecake46OvenCheeseEggMilkSweet Powder-
Yam of the Ages47OvenSweet PowderButterMilkYam-
Chocolate Cake48OvenFlourChocolateButterSweet PowderMilkEgg-
Corn on the Cob52OvenCorn-
Cake54OvenFlourButterSweet PowderStrawberryMilkEgg-
Seafood Pizza56OvenFlourCheeseKetchupShrimpSquid-
Pizza60OvenFlourCheeseKetchupEggplantGreen Pepper-
Dumplings2SteamerRice FlourHP +200, RP +500, Sleep Resist 70%
Chinese Manju15SteamerFlourBamboo SproutHP +1260, RP +300, Dark Resist 5%, Poision Resist 70%
Pound Cake23SteamerFlourEggHP +2580, RP +500, Paralysis Resist 70%
Flan29SteamerEggMilkHP +3360, RP +600, Fatigue Resist 75%, Sick Resist 75%
Steamed Bread32SteamerFlourEggMilkHP +3720, RP +800, Seal Resist 75%
Chocolate Sponge35SteamerFlourChocolateEggMilkHP +4200, RP +800, Sleep Resist 100%
Cheese Bread44SteamerFlourCheeseEggMilk-
Pumpkin Flan48SteamerEggMilkPumpkin-
Curry Manju57SteamerFlourCurry-
Meat Dumpling82SteamerFlourShrimpOnion-
Steamed Gyoza90SteamerFlourOnionCabbage-

My Barn

Ive found that the advantage of acquiring a barn buddy earlier in the game is:they will become stronger quicker as you take care of them on a daily basis.
My well-taken care of Scorpion can defeat Typhoon (on his bridge) with virtually no damage taken.
Not all monsters will attack outright.

Must-have monsters to befriend and their products.
4 animals per room. 5 rooms per barn.
MonsterLocationTame after
you reach level †
ProducesProduct BoostsMy views on fightingRide?My notes
Antok the AntSelphia Plains5[every day] Insect CarapaceDEF +1, Psn Res 15%Slow, but decent, non-magical, close-range attacks.yesGreat to give to the other monsters to make them better immune to poison attacks. Owning this Ant also takes care of 2 Requests early on in the game.
Moo the BuffamooSelphia Plains East10[every day] Milk (S,M,L)HPrarely attacks, but feed her good items anyway just in case.yesA cow with horns? Free milk for cooking, or drinking.
Excede the BuffalooDelirium Lava Ruins50[every day] Bull's HornATK +7, DEF +1Decent non-magical attack by rushing at their enemy.yesA bull with horns.
Mamas the MamadoodleCluck-Cluck Nest55[every day] Egg (S,M,L)HP and RP Decent, non-magical, close-range attackssadly noWho doesnt want a giant chicken in their barn? Free egg for cooking.
Atlas the HerculesMaya Road70[every 3 days] Rigid HornATK +15, Crit +1%Slow, but decent, non-magical, close-range attacks.yesRigid Horn better than Insect Horn. Great to give to the other monsters to make their physical attacks do critical damage.
Prince the Hornet QueenMaya Road70[every day] HoneyRP +23Decent, non-magical, distance attacks.noAmber loves Honey.
Green the fairyMaya Road (lake) *100-nothing--nothing-Good, distance wind magic attack. Can do close-range non-magical* Can follow if freed in Idra Cave). Cannot heal.
Keira the Killer AntYokmir Cave30[every day] Pretty CarapaceDEF +3, Seal Res 5%, Par Res 25%Good, non-magical, close-range attacksnoGood to give Produce to the other monsters to make them better immune to paralysis and seal attacks.
Venom the ScorpionDelirium Lava Ruins50[every day] Scorpion TailATK +5, Psn Atk 8%Great, non-magical, close-range poison attacksnoUpgrade weapons with poison. Great to give to the other monsters so they can poison the enemy.
Death the Death StalkerSechs Territory (cave)95[every X days] Scorpion TailATK +5, Psn Atk 8%Great, non-magical, close-range poison attacksnoUpgrade weapons with poison. Great to give to the other monsters so they can poison the enemy.
Blue the fairySechs Territory85-nothing--nothing-Good, distance water magic attack. Can do close-range non-magical too.noHeals (but rarely?) Found one screen south of cave, exiting a gate.
Winter the Flower CrystalSechs Territory95[every 3 days] Strong VineM.ATK +12, Seal Atk 10%Decent distance fighter that shoots five petals (rather than one-to-three)noStrong Vine better than a Vine. Great to give to the other monsters so they can seal enemy abilities.
Tangle the Hell SpiderFloating Empire East100[every day] Pretty ThreadM.ATK +16, Par Atk 25%Decent, distance attacks that slow the enemy. Can do close-range too.noPretty Thread better than Spider's Thread. Great to give to the other monsters so they can paralyze the enemy.
Light the ThunderbirdFloating Empire South105[every day] Thunderbird FeatherINT +28yesBest type feather to get for free, but not the best feather to find.
Trick the Tricky MuckAutumn Road50[every 3 days] Poison PowderM.ATK +2, M.DEF +2, Psn Atk 5%Slow, non-magical, close-range poison attacks.yesUpgrade weapons with poison. Good to give to the other monsters so they can poison the enemy.
Red the fairyAutumn Road80-nothing--nothing-Good, distance fire magic attack. Can do close-range non-magical too.noFound two screens right of the Revival Cave exiting a gate. Cannot heal.
Fluffy the ShmoolySercerezo Hill55[every day] Fur (S,M,L)
(S) VIT+1, Diz Res 1%
(M) DEF +5, M.DEF +3, Diz Res 10%
(L) DEF +10, M.DEF +5, Diz Res 25%, Slp Atk 3%
Decent, non-magical, close-range attacks.yesFur better than a Wooley's Fur or Quality Puffy Fur. Good to give to the other monsters to make them better immune to dizzy and sleep attacks.
Breeze the TyphoonSercerezo Hill Bridge
(during a typhoon)
155-nothing--nothing-Aggressive; Does close-range Dark physical, and long-range magical attacks.yesHeals only self. Does long-range Dark and Wind magic attacks. Quite possibly the best monster to have on your side; and two Typhoons are better than one!
Yellow the fairySercerezo Hill90-nothing--nothing-Good, distance earth magic attack. Can do close-range non-magical too.noFound left of Idra Cave exiting a gate. (Look for a hidden Monarch Mushroom too.) Cannot heal.
Gray the DaemonIdra Cave B270??Decent, non-magical, close-range attacker with mid-range dark attacks.noHeals A mini Typhoon.
Aren the Little EmperorLeon Karnak135-nothing--nothing-Decent, long-range magic attack. Can do close-range non-magical too.yesHeals Light and Dark magic attacks, can paralyze at close distance.
Arcs the Arch-DaemonLeon Karnak135-nothing--nothing-Decent, non-magical, close-range attacker with mid-range dark attacks.yesHeals A smaller Typhoon.
Aotama the OniongerRuna Prana (first area)200??Slow, but decent ranged fire, water, earth, wind, and physical attacks.noA giant, colorful onion ghost.
Agant the Ant QueenRune Prana (fire area)175[every X days] Queen's JawATK +100, DEF +10, M.ATK +40, M.DEF +10Decent, close-range attack that inflicts sleep and cold.noQueen's Jaw better than Dangerous Scissors
† Taming levels based on HARD difficulty. Easier difficulties can expect a decrease of 10 levels or more.

NOTE: If and when you win over a pet that heals (ie: a Little Emperor), make sure they will heal by taking them into a battle. There are some varients that will not heal themselves, even when close to death.Typhoon(s) try to find time in mid-battle to heal themselves, but because they are aggressive fighters, they sometimes they neglict their own health.
Traveler quotes about feeding: Ask fm download.

Rune Factory 4 Guide

  • 'You can give your little monster friends steamed dishes every day. This will eventually make them strong enough to be immune to any status ailment.' -- Quiet Stefan
  • 'I suggest giving homemade dishes as presents to your pets.' -- Pretty Fiona
  • 'Try feeding your pets Round Stone every day. Soon they'll be so strong no attack will knock them back!' -- Loyal Shin
  • 'Try feeding your pets juice or raw fish. This will raise their Magic Attack power.' -- Manly Judas.
  • 'Give your pets dishes you cook in a pot and their HP will go up. Today I'm gonna give them a lot of Union Stew' -- Crafty Stefan
  • 'Giving sashimi to your pets can really raise their attack power.' -- Upper Don Juan
  • 'The other day, I gave Love Crystal to my pet Wooly on a whim. Now its attacks will absorb HP! That's so not cute!' -- Classy Lara

The monster expert is located two screens to the right of the Obsidian Mansion.
Feed your pets one Scorpion Tail a day, and their attacks will eventually become poisonous.
monsters: stats, how to tame 'em, and more
'The mushrooms blocking the road on Sercerezo Hill arent there at the beginning of the month.' -- Yummy Ben.
'If you're going to attempt the Sharance Maze, take more than just regular weapons. Have spells and weapons with elemental affinities with you.' -- Writer Jimmy

Rune Factory 4 Airship License Plate


'If you're fatigued, your RP won't regenerate. Not only that, but even the slightest action drains a ton of RP. The best way to cure your fatigue is bedrest.'
Venturing out of the castle for the first time: As Forte explains, you're not really killing them.Weapons and tools have 'Tamitaya' cast upon them, sending defeated monsters to the 'Forest of Beginnings'.Monsters enter our world through swirling vortexs called gates. She will then give you a Claymore to fight with.
Forte will ask you about your confidence in your skills. Your answer determines the strength of the monsters you fight.You can change the difficulty later in the game.
'When the enemy's strength overwhelms you, gaze upon the trophy in the castle basement.' - a charm recited by Forte.
Various roadblocks will be present for a time to prevent you from wandering too far and running into stronger monsters.
As tempting as it maybe, do not leave items you have picked up lying around the bedroom. Butlers will throw out your mess.
Use your bare fists to stun monsters, then you can pick them up and throw them.

Rune Factory 4 Airship License

Ways to increase your resistances:

Rune Factory For Pc

  • Keep plenty bottles of wine around. You can drink them to raise your Resistance to Sleep. Drink Responsibly.
  • Object X, created from a failed Chemistry experiment, should be consumed prior to going to bed.
  • Enhance your weapons with status-inflicting items (ie: Strong Vine for Seal, Scorpion Tail for Poison, etc.)

Rune Factory 4 Wiki