Schiller Piano Serial Number


Some piano manufacturers place serial numbers in various places. The age of your piano is determined by the Serial Number. Pianos also have numbers other than serial numbers, such is the case with part or patent numbers. Best Answer: Assuming this is a US made piano, the Schiller name was associated with several owners and a number of other brand names. We have serial numbers dating from 1892-1957, which is really the only way to date the instrument for you.

1907-4600 1908-5400 1909-6300 1910-7200
1911-8000 1912-9100 1913-10300 1914-11500
1915-12700 1916-13600 1917-14500 1918-15400
1919-16200 1920-17000 1921-17800 1922-18600
1923-19000 1924-19890 1925-20300 1926-20900

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Jesse French Numbers

Schiller Performance Frankfurt Upright Piano – Cherry Mahogany. Kawai KS-2F Upright Piano Serial Number: 1515223 Finish: Ebony Polish. Jim Laabs Music Warranty: 5 Years. Maximum quantity exceeded. Minimum purchase amount of 0 is required. Yamaha U2 Upright Piano (used). Aug 09, 2010  Best Answer: Assuming this is a US made piano, the Schiller name was associated with several owners and a number of other brand names. We have serial numbers dating from 1892-1957, which is really the only way to date the instrument for you. Serial Number. With the serial number (and name) of a piano you are examining or thinking of purchasing, your tech should be able to furnish you with exact information about where the piano was made and when, whether this date was before the company was sold and/or acquired new manufacturing equipment, what kinds of parts were used and where those were manufactured, and so forth.

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1904-26900 1905-29400 1906-31600 1907-32500
1908-38700 1909-41600 1910-43750 1911-45500
1912-49200 1913-53000 1914-57000 1915-60200
1916-42500 1917-65200 1918-68300 1919-70500
1920-74200 1921-77000 1922-80000 1923-83000
1924-86000 1925-91800 1926-93500 1927-96000
1928-100000 1929-104000 1930-105000 1931-106000
1932-107000 1933-108000

1901-800 1908-5400 1915-12700 1922-18600
Schiller piano upright serial number 4683
1903-1900 1910-7200 1917-14500 1924-19800
1905-3000 1912-9100 1919-16200 1926-20900

Schiller Piano Upright Serial Number 4683

ACROSONIC (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke, Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St. Regis, Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton). All Baldwin Upright or Vertical Pianos - Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin Grand Pianos.

1895-2000 1917-100000 1935-251000 1955-559490 1973- 979129 1991-1487131
1900-9000 1918-109000 1936-265000 1956-585454 1974-1007687 1992-1501002
1901-12000 1919-118000 1937-275000 1957-610502 1975-1035719 1993-1512277
1902-16000 1920-127000 1938-290000 1958-632951 1976-1067508 1994-1521569
1903-21000 1921-136000 1939-301000 1959-655948 1977-1104802 1995-1529416
1904-26000 1922-145000 1940-304000 1960-679844 1978-1135737 1996-1536461
1905-31000 1923-154000 1941-307000 1961-702806 1979-1180266 1997-1543640
1906-36000 1924-162000 1942-314000 1962-723778 1980-1220374 1998-1550294
1907-41000 1925-172000 1943-333000 1963-743772 1981-1253176 1999-1556890
1908-46500 1926-182000 1946-365000 1964-763143 1982-1286178 2000-1563028
1909-52000 1927-192000 1947-385000 1965-784017 1983-1324487 2001-1568712
1910-57000 1928-200000 1948-401000 1966-803727 1984-1343955 2002-1570652
1911-62000 1929-210000 1949-438000 1967-831583 1985-1365505 2003-1572931
1912-67000 1930-217000 1950-450300 1968-851540 1986-1383187 2004-1573872
1913-72000 1931-223000 1951-466250 1969-881087 1987-1406054 2005-1575075
1914-77000 1932-232000 1952-488364 1970-912986 1988-1430796 2006-1575411
1915-83000 1933-238000 1953-503000 1971-933476 1989-1453070 2007-1573765
1916-91000 1934-247000 1954-535801 1972-953937 1990-1470443 2008-1577266

Wurlitzer Piano Serial Number

Let's just say I was inspired by our PW friends who recently made the trip to Europe to see the many fine piano-related things there were to see (very cool, btw--thanks for sharing your pics!).. And let's just say, then, that being inspired, I arranged a piano-related 'Stay-cation' for myself here in northern Illinois! And let's just say, further then, that I learned so much on my little field trip, and yet still have so many un-answered questions about what I saw, that I'm compelled to open a thread, here! But I'll need to share it in serial fashion because there is so much..
This mini-adventure started about a year ago, on a rainy day in April, when I wheeled an old, unwanted Schiller console off of a neighbor's front porch and somehow managed to wrestle it down the basement stairs without killing anyone involved. Some of you might remember this thread. The Schiller still sits in the basement, thusly:
My 1930 Schiller console
..It sits thusly because I have been concentrating on refurbishing my little Lester spinet and my big Haddorff upright. Still, since taking in the Schiller, I have been curious about its history.
Some of you may know from other posts that I am a rather child-spirited novice when it comes to all things piano--simultaneously curious, eager to learn, ready to bare my soul and share my mistakes, failures and successes, quick to laugh and quick to cry and still very much a 'blank slate' with a swiss-cheese kind of knowledge (lots of holes..including in my metaphors!..). Imagine my surprise to discover that this Schiller, pictured above, was built in Oregon, Illinois, a mere 20 miles away along the banks of the beautiful Rock River. Imagine my wonder to discover by a quick Internet search that the building where this piano was built still stands, having been partially renovated into retail mall space. Imagine my excitement at being introduced by a mutual friend to the owner of the property of said mall, who was more than willing to give me a nickel tour of the out-of-the way spaces where the Schiller history reaches out of the past and begs to be told.
So, after a quick phone call, I fueled up the vehicle and drove down Rte. 2, which follows the Rock River through Black Hawk country..
Statue of 'The Eternal Indian' overlooking the Rock River, 2 miles from Oregon, Illinois at Lowden State Park Oregon, Illinois, where settler John Phelps started it all by building a cabin in 1833,
Oregon, Illinois viewed from the vantage point of 'The Eternal Indian'
..and where the Chana schoolhouse was built 50 years later, in 1883,
The bell tower reads 'S. Dist. No. 7, Pine Rock, 1883' meet Lou Vander Wyst, current owner and manager of the Conover Square mall.
Years prior to this, around 1800, Sauk and Mesquakie (Fox) leaders ceded to the United States all their tribal lands east of the Mississippi river--about 50 million acres! For this, they received a parcel of land in Iowa, and a promise from the young United States government for an ongoing payment of $1,000 a year. Black Hawk, an elderly Sauk warrior, stayed in Illinois vowing not to attack, but vowing also not to leave. He led a group of about 1,000 men, women and children north along the Rock River, calling on the remaining tribal villages to join them in a move to reclaim their land.
Black Hawk
On May 14, 1832, three Sauk messengers were shot by men from the Illinois militia. Apparently, the white flag that the Sauk were carrying did not convince the militia of the Sauk's true intentions. As a result, Black Hawk's warriors retaliated, and while outnumbered 12 to 1, won the fight that was called, 'The Battle of Stillman's Run.' And so began the 'Black Hawk War.' As the war moved north along the Rock River, however, other tribes refused to join Black Hawk. His group dwindled, suffering losses at every turn. On August 27, after being pushed into Wisconsin, Black Hawk surrendered. 'I fought hard, but your guns were well aimed,' is the established Black Hawk quote. United States forces involved in this action included three major notables: Zachary Taylor, Jefferson Davis, and Abraham Lincoln.
Looking north on the Rock River at Byron, IL, half-way between Oregon and Rockford
So what does this have to do with pianos?
F.G. Jones, founder of the Schiller Piano Company
Well, at about this time, the father and mother of Frederick George Jones were starting their lives in Canada. By the time he would reach middle age, Frederick George Jones, the son of a Canadian pioneer woman and an English immigrant tailor, would become the principle founder of the Schiller Piano Company. Frederick George arrived in Oregon, Illinois in 1865 at the age of 14 years old, a mere 30 years or so after the Black Hawk War. Another thirty years or so after that, having worked in various dry goods businesses in Oregon and Rockford, Illinois, F.G. Jones would begin to make his mark in piano manufacturing history.
Copy of page 1 of the statement of organization filed with the Illinois Secretary of State, August 29, 1892, showing the name of the company
The statement of organization reads: 'State of Illinois, Department of State, Isaac N. Pearson, Secretary of State. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas, a statement, duly signed and acknowledged has been filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, on the 29th day of August A.D. 1892, for the organization of the 'Schiller Piano Company,' under and in accordance with the provision of 'an act concerning corporations' approved April 18, 1892 and in force July 1, 1892, and all acts amendatory thereof, a copy of which statement is hereto attached.'
(It's much more fun to read it in 19th century cursive.. )
At $100 a share, F.G. Jones and 3 others chipped in a total of $25,000 to start the company, which four short years later weathered the Panic of 1896 and five years after that practically doubled in size.
Copy of page 2 of the statement of organization filed with Illinois Secretary of State, August 29, 1892, showing stockholders
So as I stood in the lobby of the Conover Square mall, having read these statements of organization--duly noted, copied and severally varnished to plywood--I pondered my first real question of the day: 'Why would a man named F.G. Jones, with business partners named Connell, Jepson, and Corl, name the company 'Schiller'?'
From an undated tinted postcard
Stay tuned for the answer. I actually have one!
And please stay tuned for future questions, too, the answers for which I have none!..
Thanks for reading!
--Andy Strong

Schiller Pianos Review